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  1. I looked and the literal only new thing i saw was a 10ft ladder leaning against the grandstand. The ladder was lying on the ground against the Grandstand today. It appeared to be a 12 foot ladder from the Skyride, but it is hard to tell from that far away. The ladder is designed to grow a foot each week until it reaches 13 feet (to equal the amount of coasters they have now... because El Diablo) and then a week later they'll give us an announcement date. Someone tell Tony Clark, they totally stole Cedar Point's idea. That means we have one more week! This ladder needs to grow faster
  2. I looked and the literal only new thing i saw was a 10ft ladder leaning against the grandstand.
  3. Okay so I'm new here, but I've been hearing all this speculation about the S&S free-spin at the lake front. As much as i'd rather this not happen and we'd get something better, i used google earth to see how it would fit. The diagram of the coaster shows the footprint is 280ft wide and i included pictures to show how it compares to the lakefront. The coaster is small enough to either fit in the grandstands footprint or fort independence's footprint. (the size of the lines/ footprints are circled in orange of where the coaster could fit.) If they are removing everything along the lakefront and we end up getting the free-spin, we're either going to have a lot of space to include other things such as flats (I hope) or retail and food locations, or we're just going to have a lot of empty space. Hopefully we get option number 1 with new flats, retail locations, and food offerings. Fort Independence footprint (line made to fit coaster width of 280ft) Grandstand footprint (line made to fit coaster width of 280ft) Free-spin diagram from S&S website (shows footprint of 280ft)
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