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  1. I have been scanning old family photo albums and came across a little something I didn't know about Magic Mountain history. If any of you remember, Children's World used to have a little sailboat ride originally called (creatively) the Sailboat Ride. The name later changed to Little Sailor Ride when Six Flags took over (according to my old maps.) Anyway, I always remembered the ride having little cages for the kids to ride in like in this pic of my brother taken in June 1977 (note the rusty hinges): But I found this pic of me taken one year after park opening - the pic is dated August 1971. It shows completely open seating areas for riders: I realize this isn't earth-shaking but I still found it interesting. It's also cool to know that, although I don't remember it, I was there when the park was very young. My dad, by the way, worked for Security Pacific Bank which financed much of the park and got to take a preview visit before the park opened. But did my parents take any pictures of that? NO! Oh well. I'll keep digging for other fun artifacts.
  2. Chris, at first I thought you might be referring to Descanso Gardens, but that is a few miles from what you are talking about. I seem to recall that the Busch family had a home in Pasadena and had gardens around their house prior to opening the brewery and subsequent theme park. I could be mistaken though.
  3. I know this is an ancient thread but I wanted to provide an update. This pic came from my site and the link in Robb's OP is no longer valid. The newer URL is themeparkmemories.com. I've got lots of other fun Viewmaster pics sent to me over the years. Hope you keep the memories of Busch Gardens Van Nuys alive. Oh, plus other Southern California classics like Marineland, Enchanted Village, and Magic Mountain of the '70's(pre-Six Flags).
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