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Everything posted by Stealth7E7

  1. I read them, as its a quick summary of what's occurred in the past week.
  2. For those that are interested in the flash pass, we can't buy them until the park opens to receive the 10% off, is that correct? I'm still on the fence if I should buy one as I'm headed solo for both days at WCB. If anyone wants to split a flash pass I'm down.
  3. Ordered my WCB tickets. Flying down to Burbank on Friday out of OC Monday morning straight into work. It'll be a fun weekend. Looking forward to my 1st WCB.
  4. Did I miss the ticket sale? Been looking all week but didn't see a notice for the tickets. Ahhh I hope I didn't miss it.
  5. Those prices aren't bad. The majority of the expense will be the hotels and just getting there. I plan on staying at the Hilton by SFMM for two nights and driving down to KBF early Sunday morning. Looking forward to this as this will be my first TPR event.
  6. For those that are starting to plan their budgets for this trip, in years past how much were the tickets cost for WCB? And what if you have a season pass to Six Flags or Knott's, does that lower the cost? Just trying get a sense of a budget to plan for. Thanks.
  7. It will be my first one so I'm looking forward to it.
  8. Does that mean the east coast and west coast bashes are still happening this year and if so do you have a possible time frame when they may occur?
  9. Hi Robb, Brother and his family are planning to spend Halloween at Universal Studios (Orlando) at both parks since my niece loves Harry Potter. I'll be flying from California and arriving about 12 hours before they do. I was thinking of hitting up one of the parks in Orlando on my own prior to their arrival. I believe with my nieces I'll be going to Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure for Halloween and then Magic Kingdom the next day. I arrive in Orlando at 1030am and by the time I hit the hotel and drop the bag off and then hit a park I would say would be around 1pm. So the advice i'm looking for is to which park would be the ideal park to go to? Epcot? Magic Kingdom ( love Disney so no issues on going twice)? Sea World? Thanks in advance for any help you can provide. Also, any TPR discounts for any of the theme parks in Orlando? -Stealth
  10. I rode Gold Striker during the filming shoot last year (I think it was last year) but I don't remember the ride having some many sides up on the ride. Does anyone know why or when it was done? I used to visit Great America a lot when I was younger, but when they removed Stealth and put in the water park that just turned me away from the park. They didn't invest in new rides for a while and the crowds that go there (this was a while back of course) just turned me off from visiting the park. I wished they would do more with the park to make it more exciting for roller coaster fans, but they haven't. So now I get my season passes for Six Flags and enjoy my time at Discovery Kingdom. Although there are not that many rides over there, there is something about the atmosphere that makes it more enjoyable than Great America. -Stealth
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