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Turkey Leg

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  1. They should redo the queue houses for most rides to include single rider lines. Some groups will be willing to split up to get less wait time, and they would usually still be on the same train, just not next to each other. It works well for Ragin' Cajun and Disney World.
  2. Does anyone know what happened to the red Raging Bull train? I don't think it's been in operation at all this season, and it's not even in that garage off to the side. I hope it's just out for maintenance. I'd hate to see Raging Bull go down to two trains permanently.
  3. I agree it was never meant to be a great "coaster enthusiast" ride and we shouldn't expect it to be, but is it too much to ask for the details to be working properly? How much could it possibly cost to fix the "security monitor" in the line?
  4. Reminder to season pass holders: today is the last day to use your June Bring a Friend Free coupon.
  5. This is a long shot but does the Flash Pass work for Coasters After Dark?
  6. I was only at Cedar Point once, last month. We bought the $65 fast lane passes. I agree with pretty much everything gaycoasterguy said about Great America vs. Cedar Point. CP's Max Air is clearly better than SFGAm's Revolution. Wicked Twister is about the same as Vertical Velocity, but a little better because WT twists at both ends. Also, the line for WT moves much faster than V2 for some reason, even though there wasn't a Fast Lane at WT. CP's Millenium Force has a steeper and longer first big drop than SFGAm's Raging Bull, and in my opinion the view of the lake on Millenium Force is better than the view of the tunnel of Raging Bull, but that might be just because I'm so used to Raging Bull. I rode Gatekeeper twice, the second time we were stuck on it for about 15 minutes, Gatekeeper and Top Thrill Dragster have to be shut down when there are high winds to to its proximity to the lake, something SFGAm regulars don't necessarily think about. We asked for a partial refund for the fast lane passes because Gatekeeper and Top Thrill Dragster were down for so long, and they refunded us $15 per pass ($50 is the cost of a fast lane pass that doesn't include Gatekeeper or Top Thrill Dragster), so that was fair. Other than X-flight, the only thing SFGAm does better than CP is the sports bar. SFGAm's sports bar has Bulls/Blackhawks/Cubs/White Sox/Brewers/Bears/Packers jerseys and decals. Cedar Point's sports bar has those generic sports decorations and wallpaper that looks like it belongs in a child's bedroom. SFGAm in my opinion is not worth going to unless you have a season pass or you use a bring a friend for free or $10 or maybe $15 coupon. It is not worth buying any food items at SFGAm unless you have the season dining pass. SFGAm foodservice operations are so slow you can probably go outside the park to a local restaurant and back and it would still be quicker than waiting in SFGAm food lines. It will also be better quality and cheaper, and you will get more exercise. SFGAm is absolutely a season pass holder park, which reminds me: Don't expect short lines for Coasters After Dark this Friday simply because it's for season pass holders only. Pretty much anyone who goes there is a season pass holder.
  7. Congratulations to Great America for doing more with less. Usually, every time Great America gets a ride, they are one-upped by Cedar Point. Xflight is 3000 feet long with a top speed of 55 mph and costs between $12-15 million. Gatekeeper is 4,164 feet with a top speed of 68mph, and cost between $25-30 million. Xflight has better corkscrews, a better first inversion, and a better view and theme. Also, Xflight seems to break down less in my experience. Xflight is the better coaster in my opinion, and it costs significantly less.
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