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  1. Yes they have done a very good job keeping it hidden from everyone. It must be good! Well I'm less than 24 hours we will know!
  2. Ana aqua twist OR another small flat could go there then. Also it's not 100 percent confirmed that St. Louis and Discovery Kingdom are getting them( although it is very likely). There teasers clearly indicate an aqua twist St. Louis 2014 teaser Discovery kingdom 2014 teaser
  3. I doubt will get an aqua twist because St. Louis and discovery kingdom are getting them.
  4. Well what ever it is it must be BIG! Because the pic on Facebook says stay tuned for a BIG surprise with Goliath in the background which is a BIG coaster. And dale kaetzel said he was going to make a major announcement that would transform sixflags over Georgia and take it places its never been before. I think the clues are beginning to add up here.
  5. I really hope we will get some type of new roller coaster. But as I stated before, there has been absolutely no speculation on a roller coaster at all...
  6. If you really think about it. I'm starting to doubt that will get a waterpark. I feel we may get some type of new coaster and a small expansion to skull island honestly.
  7. After doing a lot of thinking and after reading that article which quoted "Dale Kaetzel, park president, said he would be making an announcement next week about a major capital investment in the park that will transform Six Flags Over Georgia, “taking it to places it’s never been.” And with the statement on Facebook saying wondering why we're posting so many southern star photos, stay tuned for a big surprise, and than thinking about the ride surveys given about the african themed attraction and waterpark. If you put all these together I'd say we could see a brand new mid sized coaster a small skull island expansion and maybe a new concert venue with a small expansion to the park Itself. Yeah I know I said a lot but this is what I could come up with.
  8. ^That may very well be true! I just hope it's not a waterpark... But whatever fiesta texas is getting. It sounds really good!
  9. Now you've got my head spinning. Yeah I'm a bit confused here too. The link what was posted with the article makes it sound outstanding but with them not posting teasers and promoting August 29th like great America and fiesta texas makes me wonder...
  10. Well they haven't posted any teasers about Thursdays "big" announcement like great america or fiesta texas. so I'm guessing its not that big of deal? Or...? It so big of a deal they want it to be an absolute surprise without hints...?
  11. Maybe there is hop! For something amazing! Oh and that quote about fright fest this year sounds incredible!
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