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  1. I guess I'd have to say SoCal, Since I live in Central Florida already.. Ha.. Although I don't think I'd like it any more then walking out my door and driving there in 10-20 minutes, while getting my Florida residents discount. Our parks are certainly 100% better. We've got barely any woodies here though... Gotta either go to Tampa or I think Fun Spot has one but... Eh
  2. Where would I be able to download these additional items? Is there a pack with all of them put together? *lazy*
  3. Alright, So yes I'm new to NL. And I just discovered it a week ago and I've become addicted to a game that seems to have already started its decline into the dark internet abyss. And I'm a noob and blahblah. I'm in my 6th year of college, and my 3d year of Architectural roller coaster engineering. So I might be a noob at "no limits", but I know a thing or two about the dimensional physics of a projectile object traveling at its terminal track velocity within safety regulation. And I thought "Wow cool! Why didn't I look this up sooner? I can design rollercoasters and share them and have people comment wow!" And now... There's something called "Coaster Sims Park Pack". And it's impossible to find anywhere. And I need it, to look at rollercoasters that I want to look at and such. Is there anyone who could maybe email it to me or direct me to an actual working download link? And maybe give me a whole bunch of things that work with No limits? It's such a great program, and it's a shame it seems to be on its decline.
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