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Posts posted by RCjunkie

  1. Doubt the offer would be accepted but would be interesting to see what happens if it did.  Would they take the best of both companies and make them both better? Or would one management philosophy dominate the other company?  Personally with VF as my home park I may even welcome it. The park maybe could get cinnamon bread or some real investment from Herschend for a change. Maybe they would even bring back the Skipper and Dolly dolphin show from the 70's/80's. 🤣 But the park could also be sold off to another buyer after the merger or even shut down so it would be interesting to say the least. 

  2. 4 hours ago, Mike240SX said:

    So basically the same situation as ever year in the past, when you (presumably) did renew your pass?

    Correct. In the past I would at least buy a Gold Pass to support the park with visits  if I did not have a Platinum pass because I was not visiting any other CF parks that year. But after this announcement of no real new attractions and no plans to visit any other CF parks next year there is just no reason for me to get exited or support the park like I did in the past with a pass purchase.   

  3. Since Swishtime101 asked I checked the building permits for Valleyfair and they do have a new building permit valued at $30,000 for 'FOOTING & FOUNDATION ONLY - New shop addition on Maint Bldg' which is in the description.  So it is an addition to the exiting maintenance shed and the foundation should be poured soon.  Assuming more permits for the actual building show up later this month or next.  ***WARNING: Queue up speculation of WHY would you need more maintenance space.......unless you're getting more ride(s)/attractions thread. :lol: ***

    It is interesting that in the first 30 years of the park they added 8 coasters (current) and 2 that are gone (Wild Rails and Mild Thing) along with the old Flume. But in the last 14 years since the Paramount acquisition investment for bigger projects like this has drastically declined. My question is CF using the smaller parks profit (MiA, VF, WOF, Dorney) to expand the bigger parks where there is bigger bang for the investment to pay off the Paramount debt? (this makes sense). Or did they adopt a new smaller park strategy at that time also regardless of debt?  I hope it is the former because at least there then is hope they will get back to the small parks eventually.  Like any business you have to spend money to make money and that means new big and exciting attractions at least once a decade or so to bring people in or get them to come back if you want growth in your revenue.  I am old enough to remember when Silver Dollar City and Dollywood were small parks in the 80's like VF but then just kept building little by little with smart ride choices and look at them now.    


  4. ^ Exactly. It used to be only ten years but after COVID has screwed up operating budgets and profits for the last two years, this is now how many MORE years VF has to wait for a new coaster. 

     I was last there on July 11 and loading crews for all the coasters are down one to two people from normal but they were still doing a real solid job. Wild Thing was running with only 4 ride ops so as expected it was stacking before every launch but not too bad or long. They were doing the best they could with what they had. The Renegade crew was rocking it, got six laps in from opening in the first hour and 15 minutes with no re-rides.  

  5. Valleyfair is celebrating their 45th anniversary this year so they are publishing videos and articles on their social outlets looking back over the years. They added this video yesterday to their Twitter feed where they speak with their head of maintenance Tom Suel who has been there since the park opened.   In it he talks about which park Wild Thing was originally supposed to go to, the construction of Wild Thing, Excalibur, Renegade and the old Flume ride. It has lots of old video footage from when the park opened and of all the rides mentioned including the Flume (porn for Coasterbill). They even have footage of the old dolphin shows and mascot Colonel Omp Pa Pa from when I was a kid. That Flume footage makes me want it back.  If you are a fan of VF or like to hear the behind the scenes stories it is worth the view. 


  6. A group here in the Twin Cities that uses drones to film just released a video for the Mall of America and it has a heavy presence of NU in the piece with some really cool shots and angles of the park so thought I would share.  Let me know what you think.  

    If you like that you can check out another one they did last month for a local bowling alley to get them some business during COVID. This one was done in ten takes and the directory said the hardest part was flying the drone in through the front door.  All the people involved were in on the filming and if you listen closely you can hear them utter lines from the Big Lewboski.  


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  7. It looks that way, good find.  If you go to the site www.christmasincolor.net you can already sign up to buy tickets for Valleyfair. They have 5 other places listed in the United States also.   It starts the day after Thanksgiving and runs through Christmas Eve.  Below is information from their website. 

    *** Remember it is 1 Ticket Per Vehicle *** $30.00 per vehicle Sunday – Thursday from 5:30 to 10:00 p.m. Friday and Saturday from 5:30 to 10:30 p.m. Closed Thanksgiving and Christmas Day Time slots are sold for 30-minute increments. You can arrive anytime within the purchased 30 minute time period. 

    Looks like I may actually make it into the park in 2020. :lol:

  8. The update looks really good, thanks for all the efforts.  The usability features that were added should make it a much better site, especially for mobile.  Let's hope in 2021 more parks get to open so people have a reason to post and use the new features.  Change is hard sometimes though. I like everything so far except  I miss the old SharkTums avatar.  Should have left that 'old school'. ;) 

  9. Starting to look like 2020 will just be a throw away year for the park.. If they didn't have the go ahead to move towards opening yet, no way our mighty state leader will allow it with rising cases..


    I doubt any new rides are on the table, as following through with Grand Carnival and other 2020 plans will probably just be moved to 2021..


    RMC Raptor in Sioux Falls next year is a nice consolation prize though..


    With cases rising you want the governor to allow the park to open? It does the park no good to spend resources and prepare to open like Disney did and then delay the opening like they had to in Florida due to rising cases.


    For 2021 everything that was planned for 2020 will return EXCEPT the Monster Trucks that was planned for this year in the Dino's old area. And we can only hope that RMC Raptor shows up in South Dakota. After this year though, who knows if or when it will arrive.

  10. I will be waiting to see how the park adapts and what the experience will be like. If my home park was KI and had some new hotness then I would be there on the 3rd or 4th day after the park opened and figured out their new operations. But with no new hotness there is really no reason for me to rush out to VF or NU, I'll wait a couple weeks after they open. With all my trips now canceled for 2020 I consider anytime at a park bonus time now. The only thing I can see traveling for is if Orion reviews are REALLY REALLY good. Then I may change my mind to not wait until next year and because I can drive to KI I may change my mind and do a later summer/early fall visit. If I had to fly I doubt I would. BGT and BGW will have to wait. I was supposed to leave this Saturday for a CP/KI/SFGAm trip next week . First world problems.

  11. In my visit last year, the Log Chute had an hour wait so I was only able to get two rides on it. This year, I got a half dozen rides in the park's first hour of operation and a few additional rides throughout the day as the line maxed out at 20-30 minutes.


    Pro Tip: It definitely makes a difference to visit when school is still in session like you did this second visit, even if it is a weekend.


    Great report, thanks for sharing. Congratulations on your visit because 8 days later is was closed. And yes, the Log Chute is probably the best ride in the state. If you are a fan of flume rides you need to get to NU someday.

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