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S. Moses

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Everything posted by S. Moses

  1. Hi everyone, I’ve been a long-time TPR site browser but I haven’t posted in a coaster forum since the old Danimation website over a decade ago. The impetus for this topic is that when I was looking through the most pleasant/unpleasant coaster thread, I noticed a trend that’s been gnawing at me. There’s the phenomenon where things go out of style and popular culture turns against products, fads, and celebrities when they reach some imagined social expiration date. The old #1 album becomes embarrassing to own. The sports star becomes washed up. A once proudly-worn shirt is given to goodwill. In the coaster enthusiast community, I feel that there’s a vocal minority propagating this phenomenon when it comes to some legendary coasters. I think that both old and modern coasters should be weighed as a product of their time in addition to the ride experience they deliver. For me, coasters like Revolution, Space Mountain, The Beast, Magnum, Millennium Force, and surviving John Miller coasters, among others, should be almost universally respected. Some of these coasters transport you to an era of the past, while others broke through the industry’s niche and became a part of popular culture. No matter their particular significance, they've been cemented in coaster history and should be revered by those who love coasters the most (us!). Instead, I see a growing list of complaints about classic coasters. Revolution’s restraints hurt, Kennywood’s Racer is outdated, Beast has too many pointless straight sections, and Millennium Force’s layout is boring. Where did the respect go and when did the cynicism arrive? As a great example, Millennium Force is a popular and widely-adored coaster that’s become fashionable to demean within the community with an “I don’t get why this is so great” attitude. Well, it was the flagship coaster in a golden age for parks that we may never see again in our lifetimes. Since it opened, nearly every train has hit the brake run with its riders having a similar look: high-fives, laughter, clapping, and smiles in every car. It’s an absolute ICON and milestone of a coaster, but some enthusiasts say “well it didn’t tally well on my airtime scorecard so I think it’s overrated.” To me, it’s such a curmudgeonly approach to riding and judging coasters. If you're only interested in the latest ninety-degree, 4D, quick-transitioning, barrel-rolling coaster, you won’t understand that the magic of many rides is more than the sum of the ride experience. My grandpa used to be a record-setting pole vaulter in the 1940s, but now he struggles to pick up the paper in the driveway. I love to hear him share old track stories because he truly relives those memories and I can see the same fire in his eyes that made him great in his day. It would be absurd to throw my arms up while he’s talking and say, “I don’t get you, old man. Lots of people have beaten your records since then; you’re not so great!” It makes no more sense to take that stance with legendary coasters. I would love to hear the thoughts of the community on this. I’m also curious which coasters of the past and present each of you consider being of legendary status and/or hall of fame worthiness. All my best, S. Moses
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