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Posts posted by Ultimate

  1. Can someone comfirm whether it opened on the 4th or the 5th? The timezone difference is confusing me, and RCDB still says it's under construction (Bet you there, Duane ).


    Also, I checked the Facebook page - The 400 weight limit is per car, not per train.


    EDIT: Obviously, the above comment was a joke, since Duane Marden is almost always very quick (and accurate). And Robb, I know how time-zones work. You may not realize this, but when me, knoebels and this forum are all in different time zones, it can be difficult to tell what date it was when it opened.

  2. ^Sorry. I could have worded that better. I was mainly referring to the scale of the installations by price tag. I believe Tatsu was the last coaster SFMM installed that costed more than $15 million. Tatsu costed $21 million, while GL and FT were probably in the $7-12 million range. This does not come close to matching the $25 million or so required to build a giga. It just shows the different construction strategies between the two parks.


    I'd rather have ZacSpin and Premier launched than a Giga at Carowinds.

    Who said you can't have a Premier launched giga?

  3. Yin, I am impressed. Hopefully this will lead to an outbreak of Expedition GeForce clones.


    Yeah. Hopefully ones that work. Thanks, btw, for breaking it last year, hahaha!


    Don't worry, I'm staying the hell away from GeForce. To top that off, it broke in 2010 before I got within 12,000 miles of the thing.


    Let's hope Expedition ChiForce gets off the ground (don't worry I'll stay away from that one too Kyle).


    Do we know for sure it's an Expedition GeForce clone, or is it speculation?

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