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Everything posted by TwizzlerCourtney

  1. I really love Total Drama and since I began watching it I feel a bit more like facing my fear. The amount of vomitting on that show is unreal though. It's okay, it's animated.
  2. Hi, this may sound awkward to most of you but I enjoy amusement parks, I just have a horrible phobia of vomit and coasters. When I was a kid my brother rode the little rollercoaster at Knoebels and wouldn't stop throwing up afterwards. I never wanted that to happen to me so I've never been on anything worse than the carousel since then. Really, I think riding coasters would be epic someday! I want to overcome my fear eventually and grow up! I know there's always the chance I'll puke, or worse, someone will puke on me but I still want to do it! Knoebel's and Hersheypark are my favorites to visit even if I won't really ride anything. I find it fascinating just to watch the rides, especially at night when they're all lit up. I got to stay overnight for a few days in Hershey this summer and it was awesome! I totally wish they still had the old Giant wheel cause I would ride that, the ferris wheel is fun. Kissing Tower is my favorite ride XD
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