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Posts posted by Dar

  1. I think they're prosecuting Merlin instead of a person because the people followed the operating procedures that Merlin had provided? So the parent company gets prosecuted for failing to ensure the safety of the guests.


    If the op had wilfully ignored standard operating procedures then they could be on the hook personally for a fine and/or prison, like the electrician from Lightwater Valley that was prosecuted as well as the park for not following procedure.

  2. "oriolat2" on Coaster Force has shared some details about potential pricing for Ferrari Land from a recent online survey sent out:


    - 1-day ticket FerrariLand: 35-40 €

    - 1-day ticket PortAventura: 45 €

    - 1-day park-hopper PA/FL: 60 €

    - 2-day park-hopper PA/FL (consecutive days): 65 €


    On-site hotels won't have unlimited entry to FerrariLand, but guests staying in them will have the option to get in for 35 €.


    So for the low, low price of €35 you can ride a lame, slightly out of shape, launch coaster and a couple of shot towers. Yeah!

  3. ^I know there was some rumors saying it'd be 2018 now, but there's really nothing that shows it's been delayed with that whole area cleared already and the bridge gone. I'd probably still say 2017 with what was said in the original interview revealing the project.


    Mandy's tweeted that there's no new ride next year but she has said that a new ride would interact with the new bridge over the the lake!

  4. Found this article: http://www.alva.org.uk/details.cfm?p=413&codeid=320805 (link seems to be down at the moment but the google cached version works)

    Exclusive: Merlin creative director reveals new details about Derren Brown attraction coming to Thorpe Park in 2016

    Paul Moreton, global creative director for Merlin Magic Making at Merlin Entertainments has exclusively revealed to Attractions Management new details about Derren Brown’s new ride at Thorpe Park, which will use a number of modern and traditional techniques to create an experience right from the mind of the master illusionist.


    Touted as a ghost train reinvented for the 21st Century, the age-restricted Derren Brown’s Ghost Train will incorporate grand illusion, live action, next-generation technology, 4D special effects and physical transit to create an experience unlike any other.


    “We’ve taken the ghost train as an inspiration,” said Moreton speaking exclusively to Attractions Management. “The thing we love about a good ghost train is creating that sense of being scared, but laughing at the same time. We’re trying to capture that element and we thought it was about time we took that standard, that Victorian product which has been around 200 years or so, and gave it a 21st century makeover. It’s Derren’s interpretation of that.”


    Upon entering the 2,300sq m (25,000sq ft) warehouse encompassing the ride, guests will encounter a large disused Victorian warehouse, which in its centre will have a 20 metre (65 foot) -long, seven tonne Victorian train carriage suspended in mid air by iron chains.


    Little detail has been revealed about what will actually take place within the attraction. What is known is the ride is designed to leave guests questioning where their perception ends and where reality begins.


    “Like with Derren’s show, he doesn’t really want everyone to say what happens so they can experience it for themselves because the less you know, the more you will get out of it,” said Moreton.


    “Just like Derren’s shows we’re playing with your mind, making you question what’s real and what’s not. When the ride ends, we want you to come away with a thought-provoking experience. Did that happen? Did that not happen? That is the new generation experience we are talking about and that’s what will make it very unique.”


    Moreton revealed that virtual reality would be one of the elements used to create the illusions, using an HTC Vive headset within the train. He was keen to stress however that the attraction is not a VR experience.


    It’s not the same as our launch of Glactica at Alton Towers last week,” he said. “We’re using that to enhance the experience but crucially it’s just one element of several which are all equally as important as each other.”


    One of the attraction’s key elements, is that each rider will have a unique experience. On the 10-15 minute ride, there are 12 possible journeys to get to two alternate endings. Dependant on choices made, each individual rider will encounter a different path as they go through the experience.


    “If you and I went on the attraction together, you would probably experience something different to what I did,” said Moreton. “You may come out and say ‘did that happen to you’ and I’ll respond ‘no this happened instead’.”


    “I firmly believe that this kind of multi-sensory, mind blowing attraction represents a glimpse of what the future holds for theme parks the world over,” said Derren Brown.


    “Akin to my shows, I ask that when you board the train, the secrets remain mine and yours to share and fear, and you don’t spoil the experience by telling others ahead of their visit.


    “People should also note that this is not an experience for the faint hearted. But to ensure you are in the right frame of mind to take full advantage of the journey I will send you on, I refuse to reveal any further details past the doors of the carriage.”



    Can't say a VR-based immersive tunnel really interests me. I'm sure it'll look good, but it can't be long before it suffers the usual Merlin problem of either being forgotten about or gutted when they realise that it's going to cost them the same amount of money every year despite bringing in less and less.

  5. I really enjoyed both Dragons during my first visit to the park last year. I did get the impression that they felt overshadowed/ignored more than they deserved to be due to Potter though.


    On a random note about the Hulk refurb project I wonder how nice it was for B&M to revisit one of their classic iconic attraction and give it a serious modern day upgrade/overhaul.

    This makes me thing . . . did B&M really have to put much input into it . . . or any any at all? After all, they are a design firm. The coaster is already designed so it's not like they are drawing up new plans and it seems all the footers are being reused.The steel fabricator doesn't solely belong to B&M right?


    Isn't the box track a B&M patent? So they would have to at least get permission from them to have to re-manufactured?


  6. Rob over on Towers Street has said that on a recent EuropaStreet visit to Europa Park they were told that this isn't a Mack/VRCoaster installation.


    I can't wait for them to balls this up.


    Given the fact the park haven't announced anything yet you honestly think Mack would just spill the beans on it happening? Even in the modern age of internet rumours and terrible know it all enthusiasts there can still be a few secrets kept here and there.

    Yes. Europa Street have a good relationship with the park and there's nothing stopping them confirming that they don't have anything planned with Alton Towers.


    It's just been announced that it's going to be an immersive VR experience produced by Figment Productions. The announcement event is still happening, so expect some more news later.

  7. There's supposed to be some theming elements added around the ride as well. Merlin have also trademarked the name "Galactica", so we could be seeing a change of theme to something a bit more space orientated.


    Given that Airs trains are prototypes and you are forever hearing "Row 1, seat 3. Row 4, seat 2, Row 5, seat 1" over the PA I could imagine new trains being an option but in all honestly I have no idea what so ever. Maybe someone else may be able to shed some light on it if they do know.


    As far as I know it's not specifically the trains that cause this, but rather the dropping floor being very touchy. This is why the newer flyers have dips in the floor instead of a moving floor!


  8. They lift the notices when the problem that caused them has been fixed, if that makes sense?


    So if someone banged their head (silly example, but you get the point) the notice would be lifted once you had proven people couldn't bang their head there again, regardless of the status of the investigation.


    Don't forget the HSE still has, I think, the crashed cars in their warehouse for inspection etc.


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