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Posts posted by Astat

  1. Which is why they are crying to get $15/hr. for flipping burgers...


    Yeah, that couldn't have anything to do with there literally being a time in the lives of twenty-somethings when gas was $1.25 a gallon instead of $2.50 to $4.00, when milk was $2.75 a gallon instead of $3.75, when credit card introductory interest rates were around 15% instead of 20 to 25%, and when student loans were actually enough to get you through college without owing anything out of pocket (and weren't purposely set up to keep you in debt for the rest of your life after you graduate)...and yet the federal minimum wage has seen one pitiful increase since then. The minimum wage set forth by the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 equates to around $4.25 an hour in today's money...we've gone up a whopping 3 dollars in eight decades despite inflation increasing seventeen fold since then.


    But yeah, we're TOTALLY just being big babies about a non-existent problem, right?


    Oh, uhh...crap, first post in almost 3 years. Guess I should say something relevant rather than derailing a topic...glad to hear Dragster's downtime will be minimal! Yeah, good for them!


    *wanders off to lurk for another 3 years, probably*

  2. Plans put on YouTube. There's always a chance that they're fake, but I doubt it because they're extremely detailed and as somebody who has taken a few engineering/mechanical drawing courses, these are done correctly and it seems like a lot of effort to put into fooling a few coaster enthusiasts on the internet.






    So excited!


    I hate to be Mr. Debbie Downer here, but allow me to just copy-paste what I commented on this Youtube video (5 bucks says the uploader deletes the comment):


    4 days, nearly 6,500 views, 54 comments, and nobody's pointed out that the word "vicinity" is misspelled on these supposed "official" blueprints, as clearly seen the second the video starts?


    Nice try though.

  3. Re: Space left to build at Cedar Point


    I bet sooner or later they'll take a page out of Six Flags playbook and start building on parking lots.


    Didn't the Universal Orlando Resort build those parking garages on top of old parking lots in order to conserve space for their Resort Make Over in the mid to late 1990's?


    This idea gets shot down about as often as the whole "build into the lake" idea does. The zoning laws in place pretty much prevent them from building out into the parking lot any farther than they already have, largely due to the houses in close proximity to the park at the end of Cedar Point Road.


    About all I can see them doing parking-lot wise is when Demon Drop inevitably gets removed, they might be able to shoehorn something in there and maybe use part of the employee lot in the corner.


    Wow I love all the bitching and moaning. Atleast the Intamin streak is DONE after this ride (5 ride contract is finished) I am very excited for this ride. LOL there is almost as much bitching in this thread as the I305 thread


    The "5-ride contract" with Intamin is a complete myth that has been disproven countless times.

  4. I have a couple thoughts...


    -Why did they decide to re-use the Shoot the Rapids name? If they were attempting to re-create a classic ride, I'd understand that, but other than sharing the name, this ride is completely different from the original Shoot the Rapids. They might as well have just called the ride "Whyte Lightning" for as much as that played into the speculation.


    -And speaking of the original Shoot the Rapids, I'm amazed that it isn't even referenced ONCE in the press release or any of the information on Cedar Point's website. You'd think they'd at least give it some recognition.


    -While I'm 100% in favor of this addition to the park and I'm glad to see that land on Millennium Island finally used for something, I have to wonder what this means for future expansion plans. That was really the last sizable chunk of open space left in the park, and I had always assumed that a coaster would eventually wind up there. They're getting to where they'll have to start removing rides to make room for new ones...Mean Streak anyone? I can only hope.

  5. Then I guess after that the trains will be added and testing would restart? So could they be trying to open it by October? From the way it sounds it could be possible.


    And then they'll find something else wrong with the trains, so they'll redesign those, modify them, run more tests, then by the time that's done, the track will need replacing again, so they'll tear that up some more...and on and on it goes.


    I think the only realistic opening date that can be given for Flying Turns at this point is "sometime between now and never."

  6. "Little Amerricka in Marshall, WI purchased the Comet's trains and intends to one day build a copy of the Comet using the original trains after refurbishing them. The Comet's structure itself is too far deteriorated to be salvaged. This will be a very large project for Little Amerricka and there is no timetable for this project at this time."




    I haven't heard anything about this project in quite a while, so it's possible that Little Amerricka abandoned the idea.

  7. Crazy that Astroworld closed 3 1/2 years ago and not 1 of their coasters is running in another park but Geauga Lake closed 1 1/2 years ago and 5 of their coasters are up and running in other parks.


    Geauga Lake also had a lot more coasters that were in good enough condition to be easily relocated and reopened. Other than Mayan Mindbender and Serial Thriller, the coasters at Astroworld would have all required heavy refurbishing to get them up and running somewhere else.

  8. CP has stated that something new was coming to the park this year IIRC, but it hasn't been announced yet. If this is land clearing for a new ride, chances are that it would be for a very small attraction so that CP can build it in time for opening or at least summer.


    That land clearing seems a bit small for any major B&M or Intamin, although this could be land clearing for a large 2010 attraction.


    Cedar Point never stated that there would be a new attraction this year. In fact, if you go back a few entries on the blog on their official website, they specifically state that there ISN'T going to be one: http://www.cedarpoint.com/public/fun/blog/index.cfm?entry=1eb26d74-c508-452d-ac0b-d4e498570529


    "First, we think it's safe for you to assume that there won't be a new ride or coaster."


    If this was land clearing for a 2009 attraction, it would have been started before the end of the '08 season.

  9. That back spike on Wicked Twister has been problematic since it opened. The ride was closed a lot its first couple seasons, most often simply because they had to constantly do patch welding jobs on that section of track. They added additional supports to both spikes after that (the small yellow beams that extend up from the green supports), but it's still been a pretty consistent issue.

  10. Seasonal rent-a-cop-type security people who act like they own the place and know absolutely everything. I've been going to amusement parks on a regular basis for my entire life, you've probably been working at one for like a week and don't even care about your job. For the sake of everybody, stick to your natural environment and go back to your local mall food court.

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