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Everything posted by chetCO

  1. While you are correct, the part about the wet floor signs/store is still liable...if we are talking about a retail chain that is union well that makes it much harder to sue even if its totally the fault of the store. For example in Denver there is a supermarket chain that is owned by Kroger called King Soopers. King Soopers is not only local Denver institution since the 1940's but they are also union. I do business in Denver quite often and have heard many of stories from so so many about people getting hurt in their stores who had tried to sue only to find out that few if any local Denver area lawyers would even touch it because they just don't want to deal with the union at King Soopers.
  2. I can remember actually visiting this place back in the summer of 1984 when it was called "Jungle Falls". Looking back now at the time Jungle Falls was more of an amusement park with a number of flats and less of a water park, actually I just don't remember the water park at all but I DO remember local Z104 radio offering some kind of ride all day special. At the time I can remember our family was staying at the old Tides Hotel on the oceanfront being told by the owners of the hotel that Jungle Falls was to be Virginia Beach 's ( and Hampton Roads ) main amusement park after BG complete with rides including a roller coaster, mini-golf, water park, go-carts, etc.... Looking back now ( yes I am repeating myself UGH !! ), kinda surprised Jungle Falls didn't add more rides and a coaster considering that Seaside Amusement Park on the Virginia Beach oceanfront had then recently closed while Buckroe in Hampton would close the following year ( 1985 ) and of course by then Oceanview in Norfolk was already long defunct. As it was when I had returned to Virginia Beach in the spring of 1986, the first place I had visited was Jungle Falls however the rides were already gone and up came the water slides. Wonder why the change ?
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