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Posts posted by Intamax92

  1. Since the new update, I started working on a Wing Coaster, I decided to combine the wingcoaster concept with the all known vekoma boomerang. The layout is different, but the idea is the same.


    I named it "Wings Of madness", Which is slightly based on the song from Serenity, Which I used in this one-minute teaser.



    40m tall, 140m Long and 30m Wide

    Track Lenght: 386m

    Max speed: 83kmu


    131Ft tall, 459ft Long and 98ft Wide

    Track Length: 1266ft

    Max speed: 52mph

    (Imperial statistics Calculated with Google)


    The fences are made from supports, The trash cans are made with Sketchup and the benches came from the 3D warehouse. All the vegetation is from the Standard NL2 Collections


    Here are a few screens:





    Future plans for this creation are:

    - Small shaping changes

    - More theming

    - Custom station


    I will also try to include some scripted features, although I don't have any experience there.

  2. Steel: Goudurix @ Parc Asterix, Also count's as my worst coaster. It just wasn't enjoyable


    Wood: Grand National @ Blackpool Pleasure Beach: I enjoy it more then Coaster Express, Bandit or Magnus Colossus, but it really was a "beuker" as I would call it in Dutch


    Also: Stampida: I really love the layout: but the kumbak trains leave me with bruises everytime I ride it.

  3. Joshuadrooney, Please fix your quote. RCF said that stuff about Premier, not me.


    And I am sure that camiel didn't work on the superman/sky scream layout from premier. They could both be based on those superloop rides which vekoma used to make. They are both creative and awesome and I am sure the ride experience will be very different.


    The trains for the 16 inversion coaster are only similar to Gerstlauers infinity coaster (The Smiler) in one way: They have four rows of four seats.

  4. I really do not understand why people are hating on Camiel so much. How many times do you get a chance to actually design a coaster which will actually be built. I guess most people are just jealous


    This is not only a chance for Camiel, but also for Golden Horse. It's obvious that this isn't some kind of Knock-off Project, I guess GH wants to expand their limits and build original rides. If they can keep up to that, they might be able to change their reputation.


    I even think this could become a smooth ride compared to The Smiler. Maybe GH can positively surprise us

  5. Since about a month I began working on this, A modern Arrow coaster which is based on Tennessee Tornado.


    Later I decided to add a Mayan Theme to it, I still have to add a custom station and a lot of 3ds models.

    All the trees around the track are 3d, the one's in the background are 2D, to keep the FPS a bit higher


    Somebody helped me with these custom catwalks and stairs.



    The only part where I am finished with the supports.


    A bit of Mayan Theming, I'm not completely satisfied with this so I may re-do these models.



    Overview, as you can see I am not yet finished with the landscape.


    I would love to hear your feedback

  6. A few days ago I went to Toverland to try out my new camera, and of course to ride their awesome coasters , Here are 20 pictures, mostly of the outdoor area. All the rides were walk-on.


    Toverland is my home park. It''s takes me only an hour to get there with public transport.



    Their first coaster: Boomerang.


    There are a lot of rumors that this ride will get new theming and a new station which fits in their new area; "De magische vallei" In the next season.



    This is their new coaster for 2013. Because this ride was finished in October 2012, they decided to open it last year in October. In my opinion, it's one of the best spinning coasters in Europe



    Still an awesome ride, but I rode it like a million times. It became a bit boring for me





    A little break between all the coaster-riding won't hurt anybody






    Thanks for reading!


    Photo's are property of Max van der Krans and Parkcentrum.nl, if you want to have a full-sized version, please contact me via PM or Email.

  7. Yesterday, I went to Toverland to check out the new rapid river and it's surrounding area. Which had been officially opened this weekend.


    As a season pass holder, I love seeing this park grow and opening new area's over time. Now with the new area, the park looks a lot bigger and what begun as an indoor park for small children grows out to be a full scale theme park in quite a fast pace. There are some rumors about a megacoaster for 2016


    The entrance is still located at the indoor section of the park, last year they rethemed the indoor area and changed the light's to make it look better.


    I made some photo's with my mobile phone, for some of the photo's I did a bit of editting but I don't really have experience with that.



    The entrance, I hope they will one day cover up the whole thing with this kind of theming.



    From the parking lot, you get a good view of the awesome GCI coaster Troy. which is still one of the best rides in The Netherlands



    When I got to the park I went straight to the new area, "de magische vallei" You can get there through the indoor section but also through a new walkway which goes underneath Boosterbike, their vekoma motorbike coaster.



    2 years ago, this was just a field of grass where you could get from outside the park


    When you get through the rock tunnel into the area, you get to choose between a regular path or a small path which goes over the rocks and get's you very close to one of the waterfalls.








    Here are some other foto's of the new area








    Together with spinning coaster "dwervelwind" Djengu river is the main attraction of the new area, it's a rapid ride from Hafema and its one of the better rapid's in The netherlands. It is a great addition for toverland.








    In october 2012, the park opened a spinning coaster which belong's to the new area, d'wervelwind is a really good ride from Mack Rides. It's one of my favorite coasters in the netherlands. I think there will be a lot more of these Mack Spinning coasters built in the near future.


    Here are some photo's of D'wervelwind.








    Katara fountain's, these will give a music show 3 times a day


    After some rides on Djengu River and D'wervelwind I went back to the indoor section



    The vekoma junior coaster. it's fast for a Junior ride but it's also kind of rough.



    For this foto I played with the settings of my phone camera a bit, I think it turned out quite good



    In the second indoor hall, They have a cake-walk-ish ride called Villa Fiasco. Most of these kind of rides travel on fair's here in The Netherlands, But this one is stationary and from the outside it's nicely themed





    It wasn't raining, but most of the day it was cloudy. The log flume was open but it was a walk-on all day




    Troy is still as awesome as always, It's getting a bit rougher now but its still one of the smoothest wooden coasters out there






    Thanks for reading. other photo's can be found on https://plus.google.com/photos/115109370385932784190/albums/5872417612453054129?authkey=CI3t-oPG0cPIqgE

  8. I'm bisexual, so I like both guys and girls.


    I don't feel like telling everyone, however I wouldn't really care if they knew. some of my friends know it and so does my mother, If someone asks, I guess I will tell them.


    I don't have a girl/boyfriend at this moment, but I don't really care about that now.

  9. I don't think greyouts are dangerous, however you shouldn't force your body into it.


    A friend told me that coaster enthusiasts experience greyouts because they are way more relaxed on a roller coaster

    Most of the general public seems to scream on a ride or at least tighten their face muscles somehow..


    So if you are experiencing a grey out, Scream at the top of your lungs, it will bring back the oxygen and blood circulation somehow

    Other tips, which were already given already are indeed stay hydrated make sure you have enough energy and make sure your healthy before riding a rollercoaster.


    For myself, I do experiece grayouts sometimes and I do like it when it happens, it gives me that OMFG feeling because of the high G-forces. But I am always somehow afraid that I will lose consiousness.


    There was one ride, on Shambhala in PortAventura, where I had a real blackout and lost consiousness for about 10 seconds, I can't remember anything from the large helix to the hill after the splash.. On this day, it was really hot, I did a lot of consecutive rides that day, I didn't have breakfast and the only thing I drank was a beer. This didn't really scare me, but it was one of the wierdest things ever. After this I still love high-G-force rides


    After this I decided to always make sure to keep myself a bit healthy when Im at a park, and get a drink when I start to experience gray-outs.

  10. My favorites are:


    Shambhala It feels like you're falling forever

    Katun Shaped in a way that it gives a nice floater, especially in the back. This is awesome on a inverted coaster

    TroyStill gives me that OMFG feeling

    Wodan timbur coaster That drop looks huge and goes even lower under the ground

    Stunt fall Somehow floating between your seat and the restrains and slamming back into there at the bottom.

    Montanya russa(tibidabo) http://www.designforall.org/imatges/editora/fotoMR_peque.JPG

  11. First, Take the Intercity from Amsterdam Centraal to Eindhoven(Final dest. Maastricht/Heerlen). and from Eindhoven, Take the Intercity to Horst/Sevenum(Final dest. Venlo) Both trains go every half hour.


    When you are in horst/sevenum, there goes a bus to Toverland. however there have been changes recently. you can look it up on http://9292ov.nl.


    In the weekend, you have to call the following number to make a reservation for the bus, this must be done one hour in advance, (+31)(0)900 - 06 99. It might be an idea to call that number if you have trouble with the 9292ov site.

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