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Everything posted by WillN

  1. Big Mike, I would like to enter the contest because my favorite part of The Big Mike Road Show is the joy of reading this never-ending stream of posts, and especially the joy I see in my ophtalmologist's face every time I visit him after a find the ducky contest...
  2. Hi Big Mike! I'm glad you received my birthday card (I was afraid the headquarters had relocated...)! Already on page 400, so still 150 to go and still enjoying it! I started 2010 saving $$$ to join a TPR Europe trip but since this summer I have something even better to save for: my daughter, who will be born next May/June (Yes, another valuable Big Mike reader is about to arrive!) Once again, thanks for your RoadShow and keep on posting! Edit: And yes, Big Mike, this is my FIRST post!
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