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Giga Coaster2010

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  1. Wow! In the left site of the pik are the Launch Coaster to recordbreaking of Kingda Ka. The coaster is 220m high, an speed??
  2. its time to built a coaster its bigger and faster than Kingda Ka a new worldrecordbreaking coaster a longer layout than Steel Dragon 2000 and more..
  3. Ask Intamin infos about the Inverted Strata Coaster at Orlando Thrill Park and the proposed 220m rollercoaster in Dubai Infos about Orlando Thrill Parks fifteen rollercoasters and Six Flags Dubailand and more and Intamins future projects etc. thanks
  4. have you got more information picures etc. do the new rollercoaster on China Tianjin Park, opened in 2012? the biggest and longest coaster?
  5. wow, when it opend? have the park a new worldrecordbreakingcoaster over Kingda Ka? a 4th Dimension Coaster etc. Pictures about the new coaster Dubai Giant? B&M or Intamin Giga Coaster? i Hope for a new worlrecordbreaking coasters and attractiones..
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