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Everything posted by rcfreak417

  1. Considering I'm going to the park Wednesday, I'm just glad that it wasn't the black train that they removed But really, every time I've been there this summer, it's been temporarily shut down for one glitch with the sensors or another. I'd assume this is no different.
  2. I completely agree. I will admit that I was slightly let down the first time I rode it, just because I had been expecting so much, but it really is a spectacular ride!! The problem was that I was comparing it to El Toro, and it just wasn't El Toro. It had similar strength airtime, but it was never sustained for very long, which was really my only complaint. I felt like the first half of the ride was spectacular, but aside from the dive into the old helix, the second half of the ride was fairly forgettable. But it is definitely an amazing ride and better than most roller coasters that I've ridden so far! If you have the chance to get out to Arlington, you should most definitely check out the NTG!
  3. Latest models show a line of thunderstorms heading through between 8 AM and 1 PM tomorrow
  4. My biggest concern is thunderstorms. There's going to be a round of them that moves through the area late tonight into the early hours tomorrow morning. Hopefully they don't put too much of a dent in tomorrow's plans!
  5. I'll be there Thursday morning for a few hours for media day. I'll hopefully be able to provide reviews at some point. I'm driving up from Austin Wednesday night, but I have a banquet to attend Thursday night and a test Friday, so I probably won't be able to get a review posted until Thursday evening.
  6. I was going to apply, but I can't make it that day. I was wondering if they'd let us ride though. When I was at the park opening day, they were still missing some of the catwalks it appeared. Would they run the ride before it can be thoroughly inspected? I hope they do, but I'm not sure. Why else would they wait a month and a half to open the ride? If they do, definitely take pictures and videos if they allow you to
  7. Honestly, from the conversations I overheard at the park today, most of the general public doesn't understand that it's a completely different ride. People are still thinking it's going to be extremely rough, and that it's not much different. At least that's what most of the conversations I heard were about. Maybe that will change after the ride opens, but I really don't think there will be these 2 hour waits that people are predicting. Possibly on the weekends, but most definitely not during a hot summer week.
  8. This is from Six Flags on their Facebook: # Six Flags Over Texas ‎@ Kristi Roske... just to give you guys a heads up.. the ride won't be open by March 5.. it will be a little bit later in the spring. To everyone... we're glad you guys are pumped about this ride.. cause WE ARE!! about an hour ago · LikeUnlike ·
  9. That makes no sense though....if the default position was in the closed position, the train would come to a complete stop every time...
  10. Ehh...on weekends it will be crowded, and during spring break, but go on any weekday during the summer and max you'll wait is probably 20 minutes, similar to what the titan is like now in the summer. A lot of coaster enthusiasts are excited about this coaster, but to the general public, at least from who I've talked to, just think its a retracked version of the Texas Giant.
  11. ^Yes, Colossus has sections tracked with steel I-beam track, BUT the trains are normal wood coaster trains with STEEL wheels. Steel on steel typically doesn't provide a smooth ride. One of the big considerations is that the trains are polyurethane, which based on Gerstlauer's steel coasters, gives me more hope.
  12. I have mixed emotions on the tunnel....it will be cool not being able to see the magic carpet section, but part of what made the magic carpet section so fun was the fact that you were whizzing by the supports under the ride, which gave the feeling of heightened speed.
  13. I just got back from the park today. My camera died on me because of how cold it was, but I managed to get a few pictures. The park was completely dead...they even let people park in preferred parking for the price of normal parking because the park was that dead. Anyways...I didn't notice much new on the Texas Giant, BUT they had a significant amount of the tunnel in place for the magic carpet. I wish I had some pictures of it, but the best views were from the top of the Titan. It appears that the tunnel starts right before the turn below the 105 degree banked turn (if that makes any sense)
  14. Yeah, they put the actual stats on facebook the other day. First one is 103, second 105, third 114. WHHATTT? Really? Banked turns of up to 114 degrees? 114 degree banked turn? That is much more then just flat on you're side. A turn like that puts Voyage and Hades to shame, and all other Gravity Group and GCI Coasters turns. But I can't ever put those coaster down. Gravity Group and GCI make some of the best wooden coasters in the world. My favorite wooden coaster companys - Custom Coasters - Great Coasters - Intamin - Gravity Group Those wooden coasters rock my world. But seriously, a banked turn of 114 degrees? You sure about that? I only heard that it was going to be a 95 degree banked turn. I know for sure the drop is 79 degrees and they are incresing the lift hill by 10 feet, and of course, it's steel. LOL. Yeah, it was confirmed quite a few pages ago in this thread. They have signs on the ride that are stating that (It is either 112 or 114). Here's a picture that makes it pretty obvious that the turn is greater than 90 or 95 degrees. http://coastercon.com/html/giant_december_20.html All three are confirmed on Six Flags Over Texas' Facebook Page. Also, here's a good picture of the 105 degree. http://coastercon.com/html/giant_december_17.html
  15. Yeah, they put the actual stats on facebook the other day. First one is 103, second 105, third 114.
  16. ^Yeah, in theory the extra weight would restrict its climb. But you make the assumption that they will have the same speed at the bottom of the drop. When you throw a rock up, you are assuming a similar force is placed on them. When you drop a roller coaster from the same height, the heavier one better overcomes the air resistance, along with many other things, but to agree with you, if it becomes too heavy, there will be other limiting agents, such as friction, etc. that override the problem of air resistance. A good example is the tornado slide. If you ever watched a heavier set of riders go down the drop, you'll notice they go higher up the first wall. That's why they set a weight limit so there are no issues of the tube flipping over. Similar concept here. The heavier you make the cart (up to a certain point), the faster it will go, and the higher it will go. Also, I believe that the Mr. Freeze problems have more to do with the set of magnets at the top of the spike functioning properly than a loss of speed on the over banked turn. Those are just my two cents. I'll just wait until testing to see what happens.
  17. ^It's kind of hard to believe the trains could valley with the difference in height between the first drop and the rest of the track. But hopefully that doesn't happen. I just imagined this thing flying through the course.
  18. At least it looks like the testing could realistically be done this month at some point. It would be cool to be able to see it during holiday in the park in person Also, just to note, the 3rd turn is banked at 112 degrees (which we already knew), the second 105 degrees, and the first 103 degrees. I guess we need to make shirts that say >90 degrees. There's also some good pictures on the facebook page as well.
  19. This was posted on Six Flags Over Texas' Facebook page.... "Hey guys! It’s Texas Giant Tuesday! We are reaching a milestone with the construction of the ride and can’t be more excited! Stay tuned... all the details will be announced tomorrow! Until then.. can you tell me the specific name of the new type of track?" ...pull through maybe? Whatever it is, I'm excited for tomorrow.
  20. Yeah, if you look at the coaster con picture, the wood on the right side of the picture is where the track used to run. It looks like the track is 10 feet or so lower at that point.
  21. http://www.coastercon.com/html/giant_c_16.html It looks like they may have made some of the airtime hills in "that which we do not mention" more compact. I don't ever remember a dive that steep in the magic carpet section.
  22. The hill right after the dive turn under the lift hill looks like it will be as crazy as the Rolling Thunder airtime hill on El Toro!
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