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Everything posted by chocofan2

  1. As a rides employee, I would like to apologize personally for your visit. I did not work at the park today, but I have worked as a ride operator for two full seasons and I spoke with my friend who did work today about how the first operating day of the year went. Keep in mind, that today was the first day of "real" work for probably hundreds of ride operators. In addition, the good weather caused RECORD turnouts today at the park. However, Rides is a great department at Hershey and they really do strive for guest satisfaction, and I bet they were probably disappointed in the way today went as well. I believe Great Bear probably has only had one train put together and inspected so far this season, and it was thought that the one train that was operational would be enough for expected crowds. Tomorrow will be another first day for even more Rides employees, and if the crowds are anything like they were today, it will probably be a strenuous day for both employees and guests. I hope that, during your visit, you did have a good overall experience, though. And again, I feel bad for the slower-than-normal loading times and unanticipated waits that you experienced.
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