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Posts posted by djcoastermark

  1. ^ Osceola county, Kissimmee, home to a Fun Spot, next to Orange County, has issued a mandatory face covering while in public order starting Monday. Fines of up to $500 and/or 60 days in jail for not having ones face covered. "That means a bandana, shirt or any cloth will do, as long it covers your face and mouth and you don't have to hold it with your hands."

    link- https://www.baynews9.com/fl/tampa/news/2020/04/11/osceola-county-issues-face-cover-order--starting-monday

  2. Portugal's Travel Board has put out a really good ad that everyone should take a moment to watch. Some of what the ad says-

    “Nature, landscapes, beaches and monuments aren’t going anywhere,” the ad continues. “They will still be there waiting for a better time to be lived. And we must do the same for a while. It’s time to stop. The perfect time not to visit anything. Sometimes to rise is to stand still. It’s time to stop, stop and think of ourselves, think of everyone else too. It’s time to stop and refocus as a whole, for all. It’s time to understand and respect our times, respect one another. The faster we stop the sooner we will bond again. It’s time to dream of those amazing days to come.”

    Here's a link to the whole ad, titled, "It's time to stop " "Can't skip hope".

  3. Maybe we can find out more about this from trump and his speaky speak at the 2020 HIMSS Global Health Conference & Exhibition. Oh wait, it's been cancelled due to, guess what?


    “Today, following recent reports from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), HIMSS announced it is clearly necessary to cancel the 2020 HIMSS Global Health Conference & Exhibition,” a statement from HIMSS said.


    The cancellation is a huge loss for the Central Florida economy. The convention was expected to bring in more than 40,000 people to the area.



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