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About angelcat

  • Birthday 01/14/1974

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  1. Wait.....what were we talking about? Apparently I've already forgotten, because..... I'm too old!
  2. Also, let it be known, that I am not a big fan of getting drenched at parks and walking around with my underwear plastered to and creeping up my butt. But I braved the geyser! And.....got my butt soaked the first time for being too slow. Even with my catlike aversion to water, let it be known that I braved it a second time, running full out, and not using those guide ropes, and.....success! Quite proud of myself, though still had a wet butt. Also, as it was pouring rain later, rode Thunderhead. Track was wet and fast! One of the best rides. Totally worth getting pelted in the face with rain bombs!
  3. Well, Joe, are you going to supply the inappropriate comment? .....I'm still waiting......
  4. This house is called "The Castle" because when the tide comes in too far or the marsh is up, water comes around the house like a moat, thus making the house a "castle." See, some people listen to their guide.
  5. Hey, Joe! It is darker than its natural color right now, but it's been dark for a while. After a couple of months, the color washes out, and it's back to light (or lighter) brownish-red. Sometimes I dye it dark to get the red out of it. The nasty, nasty sun conspires with mother nature to make me a red-headed step-child. Scariest thing of the day at SFOG: The food prices! Note to basketball fans: price of the basketball shooting game has gone down.
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