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Posts posted by Samy

  1. Hello people:


    Exist alot of twitter acounts of theme parks entusiasts arround the world on internet,but,i chose your's for be informated about theme parks,rides and much more


    Thanks for your job people i try to do the same on my twitter acount @Riderman24h.

  2. Hello people,las week i went to PortAventura and set some pictures of ANGKOR the new 2014 ride,enjoy!!!


    P.D:My rite english is not really good if you rad something and it be rong on ortografy pleaso sorry.


    The entrace of the atraction


    Elephans on bouth sides


    The cue,very trees etc... but alot of sun yet.


    The cue details


    The lamps,you have tree diferent cain of lamps,thats the external one.


    Boarding area,in the other side of the cue you can see this animatronics wothout move.


    The boading area lamps.


    The ride,this picture was shoted from the top of one are,you can go from the top of the ride,people shot you the wather.




    You shot,the other people shot you and the animatronics shot you too, very wet and funny.

  3. TPR does not have any current plans to return to Spain. When we do, we will post about it!


    If you have messenger please send me the adress by P.M.



  4. Sorry Riderman, I meant no offence with that post, however, I can completely understand your second post, was possibly tired when writing that original comment.


    Ok and thanks

  5. I can speak english, but, when i right it is diferent ok, the intention of this post is only because when some of us back to Spain advise me, i know is not this year and other but at a time.

  6. Hello people, i'm very far in Europe and is very complicated to contact with us in person for me,i like to be a member of this assosiation but is very complicated for me because i'm very far, i see videos anb photos of us arround America and it's really very fun but i don't know what can i do for be with us in person.



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