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Posts posted by CpBluestreakCp

  1. ^^Great TR, loved your reviews of each coaster. I'm surprised Valravn was basically your favorite coaster there. I always hear mixed reviews on it (mostly people like it) but never really their absolute favorite.


    I agree about the CP nightlife and overall experience. They really have stepped up their game and it's showing. I've never been to SFMM so I can't compare but I always hear basically the same thing you said.

  2. Very, very excited about these announcements.


    Good riddance to StR, rode the ride a couple of times and it's a waste of space. I'm hoping they add something to that area that actually compliments it. (Hoping it isn't a relocation of Ripcord...)


    I'm also very excited about the backstage tour of Valravn. I'm going to have to do this as least once this season considering the photos you'll get will be spectacular.


    Kudos to Cedar Point once again.

  3. 1. Twitter is my number one because I go on it the most and frequently comment, like, and retweet things.

    2. Instagram is my number two most used where I will like things a lot and occasionally comment.

    3. Snapchat is my number three just because I use it a lot and look at people's stories.

    4. Facebook would have to be my fourth because I occasionally come on here to check on things.

    5. Youtube would be next because I usually only go on here when I'm bored.

    6. Everything else is after that, not as used.

  4. On a topic that isn't about capacity...


    I've come to the conclusion that I'm very excited for a Dive Machine to come to Cedar Point. Sure, it isn't a RMC conversion of Mean Streak (yet) but I'm happy to be getting this. Griffon was a great ride and I'm sure this one is bound to be even better. It seems like B&M is getting more advanced with what they can do with Dive Machine layouts so I'm excited to see how this one turns out.


    I know I shouldn't be complaining about the color scheme, but I just feel this one is so close to Rougarou. Maybe it won't be when it goes up. But if those track pieces at the plant are coming to CP, then it'll be interesting to see them go up and how similar to Rougarou it may or may not be.

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