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Everything posted by Kevin6279

  1. I don't know if it's truly variable but on my second ride of the day Friday morning I experienced the same thing. I've ridden TTD probably 50 times over the years and that's the fastest I've even gone over the top hat. Oddly it was a weird run all around. We rolled out into the "parked for launch position" and then the sound effects, etc. shut off and they rolled us back into the station, announced to the crew to re check the train/restraints and then we rolled back out into launch position and had that crazy ride. It was about about a 3/4 full train. 1.8 (m/s I believe) is the speed reduction, it varies usually between 1.0 and 2.3/2.5 depending on what the max is set to (it starts the season at 2.3 and when it gets warmer they increase it to 2.5). You cannot change it, it's all automatic. The only time it changes after it reaches the max for the day is if you start launch boosting trains, or in diggerg56's case, when it rolls back the speed reduction automatically drops to increase the chance the subsequent launch will crest the hill. The crews know ways to manipulate it, such as loading a train special to get a rollback, but unless they were only loading partial trains, the speed reduction shouldn't drop. My guess is it could have just been acting up that night as it sometimes does as it can be unpredictable at times, especially if it is cold.
  2. I don't know if it's truly variable but on my second ride of the day Friday morning I experienced the same thing. I've ridden TTD probably 50 times over the years and that's the fastest I've even gone over the top hat. Oddly it was a weird run all around. We rolled out into the "parked for launch position" and then the sound effects, etc. shut off and they rolled us back into the station, announced to the crew to re check the train/restraints and then we rolled back out into launch position and had that crazy ride. It was about about a 3/4 full train. 1.8 (m/s I believe) is the speed reduction, it varies usually between 1.0 and 2.3/2.5 depending on what the max is set to (it starts the season at 2.3 and when it gets warmer they increase it to 2.5). You cannot change it, it's all automatic. The only time it changes after it reaches the max for the day is if you start launch boosting trains, or in diggerg56's case, when it rolls back the speed reduction automatically drops to increase the chance the subsequent launch will crest the hill. The crews know ways to manipulate it, such as loading a train special to get a rollback, but unless they were only loading partial trains, the speed reduction shouldn't drop. My guess is it could have just been acting up that night as it sometimes does as it can be unpredictable at times, especially if it is cold.
  3. Dragster was down all day Saturday the 24th due to wind. I asked a friend who works Raptor of it was down also and she said it was, which makes sense since it has a lower wind speed restriction than Dragster.
  4. I believe that question was asked at a past q&a. The answer given was that the ride has a wind meter on it, and if the wind is blowing at a certain mph, than it won't even allow you to fire the ride up. There is indeed a wind meter at the top of the tower, and if it goes above the ride's (relatively high) rated wind speed for more than 5 seconds the ride will immediately trouble light and all the trains will stop. Usually we wait at least 15+ minutes (depending on conditions) after it goes below the limit, so it doesn't keep tripping the fault.
  5. That's a myth for TTD. Theoretically 5 train and 6 train operation CAN have the same capacity, it's definitely not more efficient, however it's difficult to hit interval with 5 trains, especially with new policies Ride Operations keeps imposing each year. The reason it doesn't run 6 is because moving 6 trains in manual for a downtime is a pain in the ass, also maintenance likes to always have a spare train available for the ride.
  6. Not pipescream Sorry sorry couldn't hold back Believe it or not Pipescream was notorious for valleying and needed to be evacuated from the valley after the hill. If I recall correctly during parts of last season it was almost on a daily basis at times. While I can only speak for Mantis since I'm not aware of how Rougarou's transformation changed the policies (I assume they're similar), Mantis's wind speed limit was something ridiculous like 40 mph (it was never really enforced though), but as long as it could complete block checks, the wind speed really didn't matter because they were only really concerned about cold/empty trains not making the high bank after the corkscrew after stopping completely at the block for block checks. Once the ride got done with block checks, it would pretty much run under any condition hence why it is sometimes one of the only rides in the park running. Since it valleyed before the service breaks, my guess is something weird was going on as that isn't where it's at risk of rolling back. In July it basically has 0 chance of rolling back when it can run in October when it is like 40 degrees with 35 mile an hour winds, especially when it completed the "trouble spot". As for over/under speed. If I recall correctly, the ride didn't really care about the time it took to complete each block, it just cared about the speed it came into the brakes, but more importantly the speed it progressed through the brakes. I am sure there was a built in error incase the ride never completed, but even with the train crawling through the Main block, I don't recall ever getting errors for it not completing it in a designated time. This was on 2 train operations though, with 3 and an updated control system it may be different. We were always getting overspeed on the service breaks because for some reason they were never tight enough. But usually during block checks the train would not stop properly in an area either stopping too early, or too far into the brake run and the ride really didn't care. As for trouble lights/errors, CP policy isn't to ride stop/E-Stop in those situations, the ride does it for you. While on some rides, like Dragster, most errors are an auto-stop, on Mantis most trouble lights would allow the ride to complete and the train to at least make it to the main breaks, for it to stop elsewhere was a large problem. Again this was on 2 trains, where it was extremely rare for a train to stop on the block, but with 3 may be more common. An overspeed is one of the situations where it would stop all trains, but an operator wouldn't hit a ride stop. For a rollback though, you probably would. You technically wouldn't have to, but people would instinctively hit it.
  7. ^ Oh trust me, they do. From what I heard from controls/maintenance it's the second biggest nightmare in the park, behind Shoot The Rapids, naturally.
  8. Three trains on Mantis would be nearly impossible. The reason they removed the 3rd train is after they added the seat belts, you would pretty much stack every single time (and this is coming from managers who used to work on the ride back when it had 3). Also, if you've never had the displeasure of a hard stop in the service brakes, it hurts. If they overhauled the control system, removed the bins, maintenance fixed the seats that stick, and guests magically decided to stop taking off their shoes, you MIGHT be able to do three. The reason Six Flags can probably do three is they are probably less strict about seat heights. I heard B&M changed the controls for the stand-ups after Mantis, and Green Lantern and Riddler's both have the newer controls which makes it easier, but I don't think it's true.
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