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  1. Thanks a lot to those who have answered! Am I right if I conclude that the Universal-parks would be the best parks to stay in at NYE? How are the Universal fireworks compared to the firework at Universal? It might be a lot more convenient for us to be in the Universal parks for NYE, since we're living at Hard Rock Hotel - it would make the practical arrangements a lot easier. If I've understood correctly, Epcot runs firework-shows every night, so we might be able to catch that on one of the earlier days of our trip. So how about this: 29th December - Epcot (w/Drinks Around the World) 30th December - MGM Studios (is this park worth a visit?) 31st December - Universal parks 1st January - Universal parks Some of you mention restaurant bookings. Is it really THAT crowded? Where do we book restaurants for the Universal area on the 31st December? Once again: Thanks! You people rock!
  2. Hi all, I'm from Norway and I've been reading the board for some time, but this is my first post My wife and I, along with two friends, are staying at Hard Rock Hotel in Orlando from the 28th of December untill 2nd of January. We need some advice on what to do, at what times. My main worry is that this is a pretty high-season period, and that the parks are really crowded at all times. It would be fun to be in the Epcot park at new years eve, but I'm afraid that the park is completely packed. Am I right? How are the Universal parks on new years eve? Fun and "not so packed as the Disney-parks"? We're offcourse planning to do the "drinks around the world" in Epcot So - how should our "park itinerary" be for the trip? And have we chosen a good hotel? Keep in mind that we're arriving late on the 28th and leaving early on the 2nd, so we only have 4 full park-days. Edit: Oh, and please excuse me if I'm posting in a wrong section or something. I'm at the correct place, right?
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