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About antihero496

  • Birthday 06/15/1989

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  1. just a random thought. how do white supremacists feel about native americans? i mean, they hate every other race because they're "invaders". but how do they feel about those who were in the US first?
  2. well, that's awesome! hardly any of us ever get to meet our favorite bands. , but i dunno, i guess i'm just used to heavier stuff. but as for bands that need to die, umm, rap. and new country. old country is where it's at. carl perkins was a country god! new country is too, i dunno, just too annoying. also, classical music. i just can't get into it. emo as well, i see no point in it. every other type of music, i just love. especially mariachi music, but that's just cuz i'm a mexican. and of course, heavy metal, i love metal.
  3. dude, Dragonforce?? get some Amon Amarth, Burzum, Gorgoroth, Death, and Immolation. dragonforce, lmao.
  4. hay guys! my name's lola, and i'm from san antnio, texas. home to fiesta texas. i've been to all the six flag's theme parks in texas, even Astroworld, before they shut it down. my favorite is defintely SFOT (six flags over texas), i love the oild derrick, and the titan. i like roller coasters, but only steel coasters. i don't trust wooden roller coasters. i rode The Rattler at SFFT once, and my back and neck were killing me for weeks afterward. i'm 18, and i've been riding coasters ever since i was able to reach the bar at the height requirements signs. i like carousels, flying chairs, other flat rides, just for the air time. i like feeling the wind in my hair. feels nice. my favorite rides at my home town park are the frisbee, the twister,the super man, poltergeist. i'll ride anything as long as it's not wooden or one of those dreadful drop towers. oh yeah, and i love my home park very much because access to the water park is included with your general admission ticket, which really helps since it gets really hot in texas. anyways, just say hi if you'd like! here's a pic of me. i don't take pics at parks too much, cameras are too cumbersome, IMO
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