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Everything posted by mrdmc

  1. Heres some info that was in the meadville tribune around the time of the movie shooting, it mentions what they were intending to use the money for. http://www.meadvilletribune.com/archivesearch/local_story_123232610.html
  2. the remains were removed shortly after filming at the beging of the month, and from what i hear (im not sure tho) they did use the money from the movie to clean up the remains
  3. Hey Philrad71, great pictures, i would love to add them to my webpage's photo album. I have been a CLP enthusiast since i was really little (even though that was only 8 years ago so i dont remember some of the really good days) but i was wondering if you would allow me to post your pictures to my website. Also, about half way down under the picture of the funhouse/bowling alley, i noticed you mentioned a video of the ultimate trip on google video, i had recorded that a few years back and though it would bring back some good memories of a place that we all miss. And on the note of the old jail cell, it was under the old ball room, it was located across from the park office on the corner of the building. If anyone would like to see the page its, http://www.myspace.com/conneaut_lake_park . any questions about the park, feel free to ask me
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