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  1. Our thanks to all of you for visiting us last Sunday! We all had a great time sharing with you the new Six Flags Magic Mountain. I hope you all believe in what we are doing at the park, and I hope you know that we are not finished. This is a work in progress. We have days when we really get it right and days when we learn how to improve. Just know that we will keep working and keep raising our own standards. We hear you clearly on restrooms and we agree with you. Last Sunday during your tours I attended a training class of new Operations Team Members. In the class were several new Park Services Team Members who are going to help us with restroom cleanliness. We will work hard to keep our restrooms clean, and we will continue to work on our long range restroom plan. Also I thought I would share with you that we have replaced the candy machine that gave us trouble on Sunday. During your visits to our park this year I hope you will take the time to stop by Guest Relations and tell us how we are doing. Feel free to ask for me specifically. We value and very much appreciate your comments. It really is a new day at Six Flags Magic Mountain. This is real and not just a show. We are there each and every day working to make every guest experience spectacular. Thank you all for visiting. We look forward to seeing you in the park! Sincerely, Neal Thurman Director of Park Operations Six Flags Magic Mountain & Hurricane Harbor
  2. Thanks so much for the update! We are really on the move at Six Flags Magic Mountain and Hurricane Harbor. There is a new energy at our park. Just so everyone knows, the job fair is open to park guests and the general public. There are two entrances to the job fair. You can enter from inside the park or from outside the front gate so no park admission is necessary. The job fair is open from 10-6 on Monday so come by and take a look! You really do not want to miss a visit to Six Flags Magic Mountain this year. It really is a new and exciting place. Be sure to say hello during your visit! See you in the park! Neal Thurman Director of Park Operations Six Flags Magic Mountain & Hurricane Harbor
  3. I just wanted to say if you thought the DVD Party was fun, just wait until WCB. We are really turning it up a notch! All of us working on the event are very excited about March 9th! Six Flags Magic Mountain really is a new place. The energy and passion are truly something to experience. Get ready for a great time! We are looking forward to welcoming each of you to the park! Thanks, Neal Thurman Director of Park Operations Six Flags Magic Mountain & Hurricane Harbor
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