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Posts posted by Jus

  1. ^ Oh hah hah, That other looping waterslide was posted over five times, and it was accidental, i didn't realise that it HAD been posted. Do you really expect me to waste half an hour or so reading through 25 pages of information to see if someone had posted what I had or not?


    Yes. If you are truly interested in the topic, especially interested enough to post a picture, why wouldn't you have read it.


    Because, after 15 pages or so of relatively the same thing, it gets tiring. Sorry if i don't have as much patience as you, oh almighty one.

  2. Hi, i'm Justin from Australia, and I TRY to talk with correct grammar.


    I just thought i'd say hi, and am planning on going on a TPR trip in 2011, when I finish high school.


    I LOVE the drum game and Dance Dance Revolution, and I have no savings as a consequence!


    Just thought i'd pop by and say hi.

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