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Posts posted by quickey

  1. Well as I was down visiting old friends and relatives down in Kent, I thought I might as well make the most of my annual pass, and head over to Thorpe for its opening day, but what a disappointing day it was.


    I don’t usually do long written trip reports, unless it has been a very good, or in this case, bad day, so here goes.


    Got up early to catch a 6:50 train, with a few stops, got me in to Stains around 9:20, where a chav filled shuttle bus to Thorpe Park awaited. It is a pretty good service, as it only costs £3, and is very regular, but they truly couldn’t pack any more people on that bus.


    Got to Thorpe Park about 9.35, and realised just how busy it was, which was a surprise as I went this time last year to the park, and it was dead. I felt sorry for the people that had to buy or pick up tickets, because the queue was unbelievably big, as they only seemed to have the building for picking up tickets open, and no kiosks were open, so everyone, no mater if you had bought on-line, or were paying now, had to join this huge queue. Thank god I had a season pass, and could join the relatively small annual pass queue to get in to the park. Unlike most parks who let guest in around half an hour before the rides open, Thorpe park like to keep there guests waiting outside, until the park opens a few minutes late, but they did open with a cheesy start of 2008 season count down which put a smile on my face, but probably didn’t to the people who were standing in the mile long queue as they would probably not get in to the park for another 20, maybe even 40 minutes.


    I got firs public ride of the season on one of my favourite flats, vortex, and then head over to Inferno. When I got to Inferno, I noticed that they were sending empties around. I went over to the entrance, and joined the back of the small queue waiting at the entrance. I asked the staff member why it wasn’t open, and he informed me that the ride couldn’t open, as it was too cold (has to be 5C to open), and this was the reason that colossus also hadn’t opened, although, they managed to open stealth. Whether this was true or not, I am not sure, because they were sending empties with no problem, and even sending trains with staff members in. also, the fact that Colossus didn’t open until later in the day (probably about 2PM), and that they were sending the train around with test dummies in at about 11.30 suggested that they just didn’t have it ready in time for opening.


    When Inferno finally opened at about 10.45, I got on the first train of the season, and then went to meet 2 of the people I planed to meet up with. We then headed over to Stealth, which was advertised to have a 45 min queue, so we could do that, and still be in time for the meet up with TPM at 12. Sadly, the queue was actually about 1hr and 10 mins, so we missed the meet up time, and the one member of the forum I had a phone number for didn’t answer his phone, so the 3 of us just went round together.


    The fact that the queues were reaching 90 mins, and the park didn’t put 2 trains on the coasters, but continued to sell fast pass tickets I thought was discussing. I went to Alton Towers on the Monday, and Pleasure Beach the Saturday before, and both managed to keep the queues to a minimum (under 10 minutes, or even walk on in a lot of cases) by putting the rides on high capacity. Because Thorpe Park continued to sell fast pass tickets at £3 a pop, it meant that people standing in the normal queue, only got about 10 – 15 people on each train!


    I actually ended up buying a fast pas for XNWO as it had an 80 min queue, and still had to queue 20 mins!!!! I am glad I did though; as the ride has improved a lot since the last time I rode it.


    This is the first time since about 03, 04 I have ridden Inferno and Colossus, and all the big coasters together, so I got to compeer them well. Inferno is a lot worse than I remember it, and was a bit of a let down, but it was still good. Colossus was way better than I remembered it, and I had a very good ride on that. Stealth was the same as last year, but I probably enjoyed colossus more. One ride that scared me sh!tless was Slammer. I have done a sky swat before, back in 2005, but have never done this one before. The thing that made me seared was that the little shoulder bars wobbled quite a bit. I was also disappointed that the music for this ride wasn’t working properly.


    I left the park at 4, as all the queues were to long, and I couldn’t be bothered anymore. I also noticed that Inferno broke down at the end of the day, and colossus closed early for no apparent reason.


    Ride count:


    Vortex 1

    Colossus 1

    Quantum 1

    Slammer 1

    Nemesis Inferno 1

    X:/ no way out 1

    Stealth 1


    Good pointes:

    Doing Slammer for the first time

    Riding Inferno and Colossus again after a few years.

    The food was good in ranger country BBQ (I think it is called), although expensive.

    Meeting two new nice people.

    Pretty good staff.


    Bad points:

    Rides on low capacity, despite the park being extremely busy, and still selling fast passes.

    Not meeting up with the wrest of TPM.

    Being tolled the queue time was 30-45 mins on colossus, when it was actually 90 mins, and being tolled it was 45 mins on Stealth, when it was actually 70 mins.

    Detonator not being open (although I knew it wouldn’t be)

    Having to stand outside the park for it to be opened slightly late.

    Paying £3 for a fast pass, and still having to wait 20 mins.

    2 big coasters opening late.



    I await the early train.


    The sign is in need of some TLC.


    Tidal wave is having work done.


    The smoke only worked while the ride was testing.


    The queue for Inferno.




    Stealth also had a big queue.





    We were nearly there.


    They enjoyed it.


    Rush was having work done.








    New coaster will be here in 2009.


    This is were the staff keep there bear, and come to kick back after the park has closed.





    Group epic.


    The security did a full lap of the queue line.


    Colossus station.


    Work continues on rush.


    Some of the coasters need to nip in to this shop so maybe they will work in the morning.






    Security were now over at inferno, kicking people out of the queue.


    And it had broken down.



    The rapids were dry.




    A closed flying fish.


    The engineers got infernos and stealth’s restraints mixed up.


    Thanks for reading!

  2. Well, I went to sea world San Antonio on Monday and had a brilliant day.


    Who went:




    My Dad


    Arrived at 12PM

    Left 9AM


    Ride/show count:

    Steal eel 2

    Texas splash down 1

    Grate white 2

    Rio loco 1

    Journey to atlantics 6

    Haunted lighthouses 4D 1

    Believe 1

    Cannery Row Cape 1

    Viva 1


    Good point:

    Converting H on to loving coasters

    Riding Journey to Atlantic for the first time and the ride op letting us stay on for 4 rides in a row at the end of the day

    Very good staff, especially the journey to atlantics and grate white staff

    Lots of fun and randomness

    Quite good ride count

    Short lines for coasters and Journey to Atlantic


    Bad points:

    Coasters being on one train all day

    Long line for Texas splash down

    Shows not being up to the usual standards. Dolphins didn’t want to do anything in viva, and then wouldn’t get out of the show area so the show had to stop for two minutes because the acrobats couldn’t do there tricks while the dolphins were still in the water.


    Ride closures:

    Texas splash down at about 3PM


    We arrive


    And head strait to Texas splashdown to cool of because it was hot, but we had to Waite in a hour long line


    Then it was time for the Cannery Row Cape, which wasn’t as good as normal because they were in the process of training.


    Steal eel time, and my mate H was very nervous.


    Then it was time for the always breath taking show, believe.



    After that, we head for the new ride for 2007, journey to atlantics.


    woohoo! It didn’t have a line!


    Still no line.


    The small line that was there only took about two minuets.


    That’s us on our second ride at the back.




    Grate white!






    Walk on B&M invert! Always good.


    This isn’t flamingo land.


    It is a good ride. A lot better than I expected it to be. The themeing could have been better. the ride has changed from the POV’s that I have seen. The tern tables no longer tern 360 degrees and the annoying announcement no longer plays.


    Now its time for Viva which wasn’t as good as normal dew to the dolphins not wanting to play, and then not wanting to get out of the tanks so the show had to stop for a few minutes.



    Then over to see the dolphins up close, but because it wasn’t feeding time, we didn’t get to touch them.


    Snack time! And I went for the healthy option.


    haunted lighthouse 4D


    My favourite ride.


    It was getting dark and the line for Rio loco had dropped, so we decided to do it.


    And Max & H got drenched.


    And then back to journey to atlantics for 4 times in a row because the ride ops were nice and there was no line.


    And then we leave sea world, soaking wet,


    get some cheap and fast food,


    and find a cheap hotel.


    Thanks for reading!

  3. Just had my 2nd bad ebay experience and won’t be trusting it again.


    4 weeks ago, I ordered a camera off of ebay which I never got, but on Sunday I ordered a pare of Oakley Gascan sunglasses. They arrived this morning, but they are obviously fake, which after paying $70, I am not happy with. This now means going through the whole painful poses to get a refund.


    Not happy.

  4. I have always wondered this every time I go in to a shop selling magazines, but always come to the conclusion that there isn’t a big enough market for it.


    I do however think that a theme park revue magazine would do quite well. It is already an established name, and I think quite a few members would buy it, along with members of the public that are planning a visit to an amusement park. It would have to be soled in the correct places e.g. near amusement parks, air ports, etc. and it would also make people that are un aware of the website aware of it, increase sails in TPR merchandise, and bring money on from parks wanting to advertise in the magazine. Of coerce if tpr were actually wanting to do this, they would have to do the correct market research to see if my theory is correct, I know I would buy it.

  5. I personally prefer Typhoon Lagoon because of the themeing, and the atmosphere. It is like being on a tropical beach, a very busy tropical beach, lol.


    It has a few good slides and rides, the huge wave pool is good, and the beach areas are nice, if you can find a space.


    If you are looking for a more fast pace day at a water park, I would go for Blizzard Beach for all the slides, but if you want a slightly more chilled out day, go to Typhoon Lagoon.

  6. My first kiss was a funny story but won’t go in to depth about it. It was at a wedding and was with a girl that I had only just met, and we had been drinking some sort of cocktail alcoholic drink, but at the time we didn’t know they were alcoholic. We did a while after when the world was spinning and I had my mum telling me of, but they were giving them out and I didn’t know they were alcoholic, so what was I meant to do!! Lol.


    Anyway, I think I was 13, but I have never seen the girl since which is a bit sad. Would love to see here again.

  7. I watched it on its opening day and thought that it was quite good. There are quite a few funny bits, good special effects, and a good story line.


    I didn’t except much from it tbh because I didn’t really like the 2 or 3 I have seen in the past, and I don’t like other films of this sort of nature like pirates of the Caribbean, and lord of the rings, but it is worth a watch.


    A good bit of British hummer in it too. I am in the USA visiting my dad atm and me and my dad found ourselves giggling at things that no one ells was finding funny, lol.

  8. When in the UK (which is where I am most of the time) my nearest park is Pleasure Beach Blackpool, which takes about an hour to get to, and I also visit Alton Towers about the same amount as pleasure beach, which takes about 2 ½ hours to get to.


    When In Houston, my local park is sadly 3 hours drive too San Antonio, and is six flags fiesta Texas and sea world. Ooooh I which Astro World was still here, it was about ten minutes drive from where I am.

  9. 1. Steal eel – sea world San Antonio

    2. Shikra – bush gardens Africa

    3. Nemesis – Alton Towers

    4. Increasable hulk – islands of adventure

    5. Super man – six flags fiesta Texas

    6. Stealth – Thorpe park

    7. Infusion – pleasure beach Blackpool

    8. Grand National – pleasure beach Blackpool

    9. Expedition Everest – animal kingdom

    10. Irn bru revolution – pleasure beach Blackpool

  10. This is good news. I was so sad when Astor world closed down, and whenever I am in Houston with my dad, if I want to go to a theme park, we have to travel 3 hours to San Antonio.


    I wonder what ride line up they will have. I can’t see there being any big thrill rides there for some reason.


    It is going to take a long time until it is open. I probably won’t be visiting Houston anymore by the time it opens! Well at least I have the boardwalk built to keep my going in Houston.

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