Hey guys, working this ride has been fun, not as stressful as I'd thought it be. Sorry for the long lines. They said it would be at least 2 weeks before we start running 2 trains, they did this to Ghost Rider too when it first opened.
I noticed that cars 2 and 4 spin more than 1 and 3, and if you only have 2 people on one side and none on the other, it will spin more.
The manufacturer told us it would take some warming up for the cars to spin more.
the official "grand opening" isn't until June 18, I have no idea why. it's still a "sneak peek" ride, meaning not everything is finished. (video cameras, wheelchair lift).
I personally like the line decorations, but the station itself could be a little cooler, a supervisor said they possibly could be putting a moose head up there, but that could upset some animal rights activists... lol, can't make everyone happy.