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  1. Hey guys, working this ride has been fun, not as stressful as I'd thought it be. Sorry for the long lines. They said it would be at least 2 weeks before we start running 2 trains, they did this to Ghost Rider too when it first opened. I noticed that cars 2 and 4 spin more than 1 and 3, and if you only have 2 people on one side and none on the other, it will spin more. The manufacturer told us it would take some warming up for the cars to spin more. the official "grand opening" isn't until June 18, I have no idea why. it's still a "sneak peek" ride, meaning not everything is finished. (video cameras, wheelchair lift). I personally like the line decorations, but the station itself could be a little cooler, a supervisor said they possibly could be putting a moose head up there, but that could upset some animal rights activists... lol, can't make everyone happy.
  2. Hello again. We actually started training last night. It's pretty cool. We kept sending it empty though, the only people who got to ride it were the manufacturers and state inspectors. I've got some more details though, which you may or may not know: max height 65ft. max speed 37mph. max degree bank: 80 degrees. ride time:1 min 55 seconds. minimum height req: 42'' under 48'' must be accompanied by responsible person. They did let us take pictures of inside the station and dock last night, but made it clear we weren't to post these on the internet until after opening. The theming is actually slightly better than I expected, they have rusted old mining parts, a broken water wheel, and lots of trees. The line itself is going to be pretty sweet, the ride literally goes over the line 3 times, one of those times it's only about 12 ft off of the ground (possible safety issue?) I saw it test shot several times, and actually was the second R.O. to send any test shots. It goes pretty fast now, but the manufacturer said when there are people riding, it will go even faster. He also said it would take time to warm up for a few cycles to get faster. I'm on call today for whenever they are ready for us to continue training. They still weren't completely finished last night, but most of the stuff they need to do is all looks and finishing touches like the gates on the dock. I'll see you there Saturday (hopefully) look for Ian.
  3. Howdy. I'm a R.O. at knott's, work at camp snoopy and silver bullet, and on the opening crew for sierra sidewinder. You guys seem to know just as much as me. The ride is supposed to be open on next Saturday May 26. We start training for it around Wednesday. oh yeah, i'm not sure if I'm supposed to say this or not... oh well, instead of still pictures this ride has video cameras, you can purchase a video of the ride. There are 2 trains, four cars each, four seats per car. and yes the second train is stored underneath the station when not in use. The ride will not have an elevator, but has a wheelchair lift. The uniform is the horrible camp snoopy uniform. It will be it's own area with it's own shift leader until about labor day, after that it will become a part of Camp Snoopy. that's about all I know. see you guys next week for the opening!
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