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About absolutace

  • Birthday 07/04/1982

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  1. did anyone think that building was for a splashdown? i thought we proved that it was an electrical shed
  2. i can think of more annoying things Continue double/triple posting, and you won't be doing any posting here. ? Since I am here and I am reading this I will tell you. Wes41190 is a moderator. He has the power to ban you. yeah i know.. but it was kinda harsh.. is this nazi germany?
  3. What's your point? I don't think anyone was disputing that it seemed like a hill was going up. I was disputing the part of the CP webcam which did end up being a crane. yeah yeah i know
  4. i can think of more annoying things Continue double/triple posting, and you won't be doing any posting here. ?
  5. its not a crane! its track! I accept that now. I made that comment before anyone mentioned the other angle(which I still haven't seen). Going off just that Cedar Point cam you can't really tell what that is exactly. i felt it in my bones
  6. ok i saw it, my company blocks port 8010 THAT IS THE BIT OF TRACK THAT IS SHOWING ON WEBCAM!!!
  7. That looks much more like only one track. Those footers look just like Goliath's helix over the water. RCDB Link you are exactly right.. it looks just like it.. hardly a record breaker though?
  8. is that erected track working its way onto the webcam view in the upper middle of the far right?
  9. crap i guess they were just taking the track to the right.. i was hoping that they managed to get construction on camera by now
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