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Posts posted by AstroDan

  1. Shockingly, Blue Fire is still the only Mack Launched and/or Mega Coaster. Sea World get theirs soon, but still... uptake has been slow for now!


    Others I can think of:


    Euro Mir - only controlled Mack spinner? And definitely the only one with that track stype.

    Winjas - only spinner with trick track?

    Space Mountain Mission 2 - only coaster with a tongue element?


    There are no doubt loads more.

  2. I still don't think it would make that much sense. They may aswell go for something a little more unique in the area, as they usually do that with their rides. This would also give the park a USP. I am not saying a Woodie would be bad, I think they're fantastic, but it would be a bit of a shame if there's suddenly this massive saturation of GCI coasters in a small area with nothing else.


    That said, I don't think a Woodie would fit in that space anyway. It's absolutely tiny - unless they get something small like Twister.

  3. I'm more interested in complaining about the color of the track. I imagine that will come next.


    Well..actually the plans state the colour...and it's black/grey.. ei. a dull moody colour.



    LIKE EVERY SINGLE SINGLE COASTER MERLIN HAVE BUILT! (Saw, Thirteen, Krake, Raptor, The Swarm) Every single one of them is either black/grey or some moody colour.


    Meh guess it suits the theme. I just with they were abit braver with colour.


    Yes, every single ride. Air, Rita, Colossus, Nemesis Inferno, Corkscrew... Unless you just mean the new rides. But to be honest I don't think that dark and moody is a bad thing. I generally think it makes the ride look more menacing...


    The rides you mention were not built by Merlin. Air, Rita, Colossus and Nemesis Inferno were all by Tussauds whilst Corkscrew was constructed when Alton Towers was in private ownership.


  4. 2011 parks:



    Alton Towers

    Pleasure Beach Blackpool

    Thorpe Park

    Chessington World of Adventures

    Legoland Windsor

    Drayton Manor Park

    Camelot Theme Park



    Walibi Holland

    Movie Park Germany



    Walibi Belgium



    Wild und-Freizeitpark Klotten

    Disneyland Park (Paris)

    Walt Disney Studios (Paris)


    = 20 parks.


    Did not visit the USA this year due to lack of funds.


  5. Why don't they just get it over with and make these parks into Harry Potter theme parks? They couldn't ruin them much more as it is.......


    They made millions.

    The public love it.

    It's spectacular.

    It's widely acclaimed as the best or one of the best dark rides ever built.


    I'd hardly call it "ruining". The number of Brits alone flocking to visit these is staggering. It's all money coming out of one economy into another - and that must count for a lot.

  6. I kind of get the whole "B&M got predictable" thing, but actually - some of their very recent installations have shown a bit of light at the end of the tunnel.


    Asterix's Invert and Sky Scrapper (the flying coaster) for example both have fairly special layouts and don't continue that tick box routine we have come to associate of B&M.


    But, in truth, we all know why parks buy B&M. They are reliable, operate well and make very comfortable trains. This cannot be said for all Intamin coasters etc.


    As for next year, it's a brilliant year. I don't think Europe has ever had a better year, at least not recently. I can't really pick which one is least appealing, but i'll force myself to say: Skyrush. A lack of theming and experience instantly loses a ride brownie points, I am a bit of a sucker for theming!


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