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Everything posted by stuarthulluk

  1. Hello, the ride should be open for feb half term, mite be open for a few weekends up to that date but thats not set in stone AND.... our character for the ride apears from march 3rd...... so from march the 3rd, you can actualy have ya pic done with him....... he will be there all year upto sept/oct time. Check out the timebored around april time to see him.....and he be doing autographs too love my park and my job.. pics taken from the proper website too
  2. [www.adventureislandguide.com heres a website that a member of staff in the park has made, theres also a forum on their, if ya wana ask n e details
  3. it does all depend on this ride, i think they are starting to get a range of different rides, becuase in the evening, its lots of adults, so we shall see what happeneds. tomorrow,,,,,, we have a visit from the people of margate, they want the parks owners to open adventure island 2 in kent. so all this week, we have been cleaning up all the rides, so it is all very nice atm in the park, and all the staff will be on top form 2mz, so hopefully, we will be getting bigger. over the last few years, i really like the park and the more im there, the more i dont want to leave, im hoping to go 2 paris to do characters, but im loving pans so much cos im charge of costumes i also know that nxt yr, rides r gonne b moved aorund, and the park has bought 'southend air' fm, i think...., and the base of the radio is actually going in the park, so people can watch the dj's....... another good thing
  4. looking back, it is bit over priced, but when you look at great yarmouth pleasure beach, look there, that park is horrible, and there chage £15 for a wristband. our shows are now at the jungle jive restaurant, and the parades go theorugh the park, we have a loud music box, then i pulll around, and dance too. its all changed this year cos im in charge, there will time boards for shows and stuff, bit how disney do it.
  5. hello everyone, new to the forums, i actually work in this park, and it is realll gd. i am the supervisor of entertianment there, and the park i think is gd value, as we on costumes, so shows/parades and aslo autographs that is literally free. the rides r all gd, well most and the staff are gd usualy, so it is a gd day out. yes the raging river flume is going, and some operators r sorry to see it go, that rides needs like 2 weeks training, whilst the rest of da parks rides needs 8 hours. so a big difference. Belzeebob is one of the best rides, but now it needs a rehab, lots of yobs go in and break everything, so it needs a gd sort out but the park is ran verywell, and theres new rides every year. the new one for 2006 was blackbeards, which is really gd and is very impressive for our little park. If anyone os down, ask customer services when our shows are, or it costumes are making apperences, i have a total of 7 characters for that small park which is really considering many tasuards parks dont have any and no entertianment for kids, let me know love my park lots of things for nxt yr too!!!!!!
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