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Everything posted by Trasheater700

  1. can some one reply im looking for Disneyland park the one in california not in flordia the one in california for RCT2
  2. Hey six i hope this helps u but its Dinseyland And california adventure if u want i can post zoomed pictures of the park
  3. Do you have RCT3? I think it is so much easier to create a ride on RCT3 than 2. You actualy ride it so when you see something you don't like about it you can change it. Anyway this is not a topic about what is best-RCT3 or 2. Lets get back to the point. Can we have a link to Atari forums? I do have it. I think it is hard so i dont play that dumb game
  4. Me 2 but i kinda think he messed up. Ive been to Disneyland 10 times and he put tomarrow land on the left side. It should be the right same for adventure land and frontier Land those 2 should be on left side of the park
  5. I am looking for Dinseyland Califronia. And i dont think its there does any one have a link to that site that has Dinseyland Cal.
  6. If u guys know theres some one making a disneyland park who has an account on this site but i was just wondering if anyone else knew where i can also find a disneyland park?
  7. Fin GOOD luck on ur disneyland project! besides these pictures i showed werent finished so good luck once agian
  8. agian where can i find a disneyland park that is good!
  9. what u think of this one? This Disneyland park was done by DisWiz So six i was just thinking if urs is good like this one and i hope please and good luck!!
  10. DAMN dude this must be harder than making Magic Kingdom on RCT2 cuss RCT3 us very hard
  11. Nope actually its way too harder to make a rid on RCT3 and its annoying
  12. RCT3 sucks it would be too hard to make any disney attraction there!
  13. RCT3 sucks it would be too hard to make any disney attraction there!
  14. I am seeking a disney Land map that was fan made for RCT2.I saw a really good one at an account on Geocities and he mad many real parks but i cant fin this site.!! is any one familiar? Or does any one know some one who made a disney Land park?
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