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Posts posted by Coyote

  1. Greetings!


    It has been since Feb. 2007 since I have been here. Wow.


    In that time, I have managed to ride 1 coaster, and I did it this past Friday.


    Work had me in Las Vegas, and i was staying at the Sahara, So I rode the Coaster in the hotel.


    Short ride but not bad.


    Im sure its old news to most of you, but what is your opinions, and any other info you mght have on this coaster.

  2. Glad hes doing better. I had a touch and go situation with my pup back in July when he jumped the fence out of the yard and got hit by a car. He lost one hind leg and almost lost the other when it got "degloved", but they were able to save it.



    Its mid oct. and his remaining hind leg is about fully healed - finally.

  3. I don't know if anybody has asked this befoe, but do you guys have any tips for saving money once you get inside the park? Maybe it's just me, but $7.75 for a hot dog and chips @ Disneyland seems just a tiny bit pricey.


    Jimmy"too much money, not enough food"Ford


    Try to find out where the employees eat?


    When i worked as a FedEx "ramp rat" at Sea Tac, all the eateries at the airport were pricey, but hidden in the bowels of the airport was a cheap but very decent airport employee greasy spoon called "The Pit". They never cared to check for airport ID, and just slung hash for whomever had cashola. - Now Post 9/11 i don't know - but I suspect its just the same...

  4. I live really close as well and from what I see from I-5 as I drive by on occasion, it never looked impressive at all, so I have never bothered to go. Now, Is the TimberHawk something very new, and is it a killer coaster? I like big fast woodies myself...

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