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Posts posted by SpookyScarySkeleton

  1. I get where they're coming from. Kings Dominion has definitely taken the lead in terms of major thrill rides in the area. But I don't think getting a proper family coaster would prevent BGW from also installing something more thrilling shortly after.


    They already have a proper family coaster


    They really don't have a proper family coaster. The two "family" coasters at BGW have height requirements of 46" (Invadr) and 48" (Verbolten). When I think of family coasters, I think of rides with 40-42" height requirements that the whole family can ride together. (Most kids hit 42" by the time they are 5 years old.)


    Then decrease the limit of Invadr and stop overspending on family rides.

  2. I'm honestly not the biggest fan of Carowinds, my experiences there have felt like it's more a Six Flags park with a Cedar Fair name.



    Carowinds isn’t that nice. It’s Fury and Afterburn you go for and everything else is pretty lackluster imo.

    The attractions may be lackluster, but the overall atmosphere of the park doesn't remind me of Six Flags at all. The rides blend in well with the shaded scenery and I like the park's atmosphere. I enjoy the mixture of the very modern entrance plaza and main street followed my Carolina charm throughout a large portion of the park. I also like the park's small size. Beer man's rocking chairs are a nice added touch in my book.


    I hope the new roller coaster will round our the selection nicely between Afterburn, Intimidator, Fury, and whatever this thing is going to be.


    The atmosphere is terrible. Everything is plopped in the middle of nowhere.

  3. I really hope for a RMC Gwazi not some off the shelf clone coaster. Busch Gardens Tampa is not known for adding clone attractions. Every ride they built has been new and original. Now other parks have copied them but they have never copied other parks. So I am hoping they continue creating their own unique rides and attractions.

    FFS Skyrocket 2s are great rides. The only bad thing is capacity but BGW is doing fine with that with Tempesto.

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