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  1. I've only rode four and in terms of how much I enjoyed them/how I would rank them personally: 1a. Outlaw Run 1b. Storm Chaser 2. New Texas Giant 3. Goliath Goliath would be an unbelievably good ride if it were a bit longer.
  2. I probably messed one or two of these up, but going off Wikipedia for those I don't know by heart: Intamin - Jr. Gemini (Cedar Point) B&M - Georgia Scorcher (SFOG) Vekoma - Mind Eraser/Headspin (Geauga Lake) [Carolina Cobra at Carowinds] Schwarzkopf - WildCat (Cedar Point) Premier - Flight of Fear (Kings Island) Chance - Lightning Run (Kentucky Kingdom) Morgan - Steel Force (Dorney) Arrow - Double Loop (Geauga Lake) Dinn - Raging Wolf Bobs (Geauga Lake) CCI - Villain (Geauga Lake) RCCA - Great American Scream Machine (SFOG) Gravity Group - The Voyage (Holiday World) GCI - Lightning Racer (Hersheypark) Zamperla - MotoCoaster (Darien Lake) Mack - The Dark Knight Coaster (SFGAdv) Zierer - Verbolten (BGW) William Cobb - Rolling Thunder (SFGAdv) Maurer Sohne - Hollywood Rip, Ride, Rockit (USF) RMC - New Texas Giant (SFOT) PTC - Blue Streak (Cedar Point) S&S - Steel Hawg (Indiana Beach) John Miller - Big Dipper (Geauga Lake)
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