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Posts posted by Tylerdw89

  1. Dropline is in technical ride rehearsal and I was able to ride it a couple of times today. Really great drop tower! I love how it spins you all the way to the top, allowing you some great views. You do a full rotation at the top, before the rotation stops and you go up a few more feet.


    I suppose you could argue that the ride could be a bit higher, but I think the height is fair and doable for young and old alike. Really an excellent addition to the park.

  2. Maybe they will just change the lift to a regular chain lift. They can't have a season were the coaster is breaking down half the time.


    I think they'd probably bring in a new subcontractor to work on the launch before they did that. The launch is the "big deal" about the ride and what their marketing materials center around.


    That said I'm starting to think of Timber Tower. Granted that ride was awful and not worth saving, but still...

  3. Leaving the park now. It's still in technical rehearsal. I waited over 2 hours to get on it a second time because it kept having minor delays.


    Guess not such a good idea to go with a launched coaster, this is why there are not many launch coasters released because they keep breaking down like Top Thrill Dragster.


    Not necessarily technical delays. They delayed one of my rides yesterday because someone threw up in the station apparently. They are also training staff, trading shifts and positions.

  4. Rode this bad boy twice today! Here's a review for those interested:


    They let 30 or so people in at a time. It does seem like that there will always be assigned seats. I'm basing this off how the queue is set up. Could be wrong but it does seem like it is more controlled.


    This coaster is all about the launch! You are on the train very briefly before you are launched up the hill. The launch seemed faster than what I had expected. You really fly until 3/4 the way up where you feel a slight momentum shift slower. The first "fake drop" is air-time intense, but the actual drop almost takes your breath away. I love the banked first turn, although this is the slowest the train goes. The continual speed really helps make this ride.


    I've not ridden as many coasters as many of you I'm sure, but I have never ridden a coaster with so much airtime. Literally to the very last drop that leads you to the station. My bottom was in the air most of the time I felt.


    As for the length, I think it could have been a bit longer, but I won't complain about that. The length of the ride was not a negative at all.


    This is a must ride.

  5. Thought I'd join after just looking at this thread.


    Was at Dollywood today, did not see any test runs. Did see a worker on the lift hill working on it.


    Can't see how this coaster is going to be open next week. It was well publicized here locally back in late April that Dollywood expected it to be open "in a few weeks", can't see how that's going to happen if they are still working on the hill and not doing test runs.

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