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Everything posted by Disneyphilip

  1. It does that solely for safety reasons. And again, they won't get rid of it for the reasons I mentioned.
  2. I honestly have no idea whether or not Toontown will be replaced or not, but I will say that new costumes is hardly an indicator of Toontown having a future. That's a relatively small cost to absorb. I disagree. New costumes ARE an indication. And it's not a "small" cost to absorb--it costs A LOT of time, money and resources to make new costumes.
  3. That's not a valid reason to do it. Besides, Toontown is landlocked, popular and it always has to close early every night for fireworks. The area is also too small for something as grand as Star Wars. And they already have Star Tours in Tomorrowland. Height balloons mean nothing. More likely, they were just testing them for the new fireworks shows. It's common sense that Toontown will not leave.
  4. Long time lurker, first time poster... I REALLY wish MiceChat would stop with their lies. One such lie on my mind is one where they say Toontown will be replaced by a Star Wars Land. To make matters worse, Jim Hill, WDW1974, Lee MacDonald and other such untrustworthy sources have perpetuated that lie. Besides, DL cannot get rid of Toontown. Not only is it popular (especially with kids), but it's also landlocked combined with the fact that it has to close early every night for the fireworks. They also just introduced new costumes for Toontown's cast members, further discrediting MiceChat.
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