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Everything posted by DLGuy

  1. No more Herschand after this Sunday sadly. They were a very good group of management and it was awesome to have them around. Things ran much more smoothly than past years. Hopefully the next group can do just as well. It's rumored to be premiere managing the park now.
  2. I've heard this multiple times at the park that it seems more and more by the day that HFE will not return and management will once again shift hands. This is quite unfortunate to hear as Darien Lake had just began to take a huge turn for the good under HFE. While i pray for HFE to stay I don't think it's realistically going to happen. But hopefully we continue to see investment going into the park if they do decide to move on without darien lake in their hands
  3. And ranger is shut down for good. Will probably be removed in the off season. Apparently 3 new flats are coming and a coaster in 2016 in the place where Cuda falls was
  4. I heard that Herschand has until December 31st to buy the park. They've been talking about buying it for two seasons now.
  5. For everyone wondering about ranger, it's being taken out. It failed a safety inspection
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