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Posts posted by TheDarkNiTe

  1. Is there something going on at the park that weekend? Are there other times in July that I should stay away from? Any general tips for visiting Europa Park? I don't know if any locals or regulars are in the group, but any help planning this exciting visit would be greatly appreciated.

    Bastille day is that week. Looking at the event calendar EP is planning quite a lot of French-related events that weekend and since the French kids are out of school for all of July there should be crowds.


    Thank you so much, now the lack of available hotel rooms in the area makes sense. The trip is happening sometime in July based on my family's schedule, (unfortunately that much is certain,) but now at least we know what we're up against.

  2. Heading to Europa Park this summer as part of an extended European trip, (so stoked.) I really need help figuring out a few things for the schedule. The current plan is to visit on July 16th-17th. Problem being: hotels in the area seem to be very full, likely making for a full park.


    I know that weekdays are usually lighter on crowds, but scheduling for the multi week itinerary is a nightmare, so Europa Park will land wherever it lands.


    Is there something going on at the park that weekend? Are there other times in July that I should stay away from? Any general tips for visiting Europa Park? I don't know if any locals or regulars are in the group, but any help planning this exciting visit would be greatly appreciated.

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