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Posts posted by ChevyExtrem28

  1. gary thanks for your info on the water park expansion sounds like it will be epic.. as for the 2016 rumor if its not a coaster i sware..... at this point its been soo long and were way over due for one. i could care less what company it is as long as it goes upside more than cork does..and yes announcements are usually mid aug or near end of the month.so that gives us two more weeks guys..

  2. B&M - invert of corse but i want a complete original layout.. something with at least 5 inversions over 150 ft tall and over 3,000 feet. colors red track black supports. other wise i would be happy with a smaller wing rider same colors and with 4 inversions..i really don"t see them getting a floorless since dorney is the only park with one. and stand up when was the last time they built one of those...


    Intamin- def want a maverick or smaller one.. it would do wonders at our park...we know for sure it def wont be a giga since we cant go over 300 ft... now a mega lite . their cool but we all ready have ex and thats kinda like it..now the right move would be a launch ie storm runner .. i would DIE ... it would be perfect for our park small compact gives a big punch...


    Mack - nope


    I guess time will tell and we will see... as for the location for the new coaster.. i either want amphitheater /enterprise for invert... move the enterprise into wild things turn around. and tons of room for our invert..wing rider in dinos spot or cork.. and the launch back of the park with expansion...

  3. all im saying is that i know dave.. and i have friends who work in the park ... their not dip and dots employees lets just say...like were you fan boys get your info from.. i bet you didnt know with the addition of possibly removing cork the wave would go with it too...so yes THAT will clear up tons of space for a coaster ...... and yes dave is a huge intamin fan he wanted to put a zac spin in the mall...and with no major attraction since hmmm 2007 we could afford a maverick. who where would like one???? i know for sure i would.. its amazing....and yes dinos is on a lease . i was just stating that it would clear up room for a coaster their also. it would make a great visual ie sliver bullet or talon...what ever happens happens time will tell..dont get mad if the invert is small non thrilling one like patriot....personally i want a afterburner clone.. now THAT looks sick!!! as for soak city expansion i want to see snake pit in imaxs spot. and were hydro was at what carowinds got. i fell that would round out our waterpark...i was told its going to be a huge OVER HAUL....

  4. were did i hear about cork being removed..umm i don't know if anyone has been keeping up track, but a while back their was an article online saying every cedar fair park will be removing an arrow coaster. in addition something that people don't know, is cork is on a life expancy. its deadline would be the 2016/2017 season.plus didn't arrow go bankrupt .. how will they get new parts?? their for that is where i believe the new coaster will go..lots of space for our invert. only if DAVE liked B&Ms ....so fan boys if its not a B&M don't get mad...we always could start a petition...dave likes intamin....i wouldn't be surpised if its a maverick..which would be AMAZING.another perfect location for the invert would be the amphitheater tons of room their.. or we could wait 10 years when dinos lease goes up and put it their. great visual. guess we will have to see. time will tell...

  5. I was their sat and i would like to say 1st off wow it was crazy busy.....but with that sorry to burst every ones bubble.but their will be no new coaster next year. its a water park expansion basically a complete overhaul. imax area is getting slides. hydro,subway, and dinning patio say bye bye..more stuff going their but dont know what yet.. those areas will make soak city up. which i do have to say we need it bad.....but then again we also need a new coaster too. hopefully 2016 will be our year for our new invert...which im guessing will be in the cork area since thats going bye bye too...opens up alot of space for a nice raptor clone .....

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