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  1. It's like the un-official LGBT coaster. Yes indeed! This color scheme is great! I always liked the look of a 5 car Arrow train... too much RCT2 probably. I'm curious - do they run 2 trains on the coaster? They really keep it looking top shape! They only run the one train. Quite a small coaster, I believe Sea World in Australia had one with the same layout years ago.
  2. I live in Auckland so I didn't really do much in New Zealand
  3. So I was looking up my local park, Rainbow's End, the other day and found that there hadn't being a Trip Report made in years. So since my new annual pass just arrived it was the perfect time to head on out for some photos. Sorry about the less than desirable photo quality, my mom had the DSLR camera so I couldn't use it First up: the new entrance way. They got rid of the old one for a much sleeker looking one a few years ago. First ride was the corkscrew coaster. A classic Arrow cork n loop. After 32 years this coaster is still going strong. Still pulls decent crowds although since its their only major coaster that's not surprising. They even still use the original head banging cars. These ones aren't as bad as some of the Arrows in the states though. You'll also notice their only using 5 cars now where before they were using 6-7. I'm hoping they'll do a swap out like Magic Mountain did a few years back on revolution in the future. Next I dropped on in to the Fear Fall, an Intamin drop tower. Not the highest one at 18 stories but still a great ride. They couldn't go any higher due to their proximity to NZ's biggest airport Next up: The log flume. Or Pixies of the Caribbean if you prefer. Great theming along the way as you'll see in the next few photos. Sorry about the blurry photo. The sign reads: Pixie Village Ahead - No Free Wifi. Damn, I guess ill have to wait till I get home to upload this TR They've added some new ruins and other theming since the last report done here What do you reckon guys? I don't know, he looks pretty dodgy to me Rainbow's End's version of the titanic. Always makes me want to sing Celine Dion. But this time i was stuck singing the TPR classic, We Are on a Log Flume Sorry couldn't get any pictures of the Pixies. They're in the dark ride section of the ride and have crap lighting so couldn't get any good photos. All the pirates made me want to go on the Pirate Ship next Alas me mateys, it wasn't to be. They've recently decommissioned the Pirate Ship and have began tearing it up to make room for a new ride. Has to be a Zamperla considering they've used them for most of their major rides lately. Next door to the Pirate Ship (R.I.P), the Cinema 180 has also being removed (R.I.P) to make way for the new AA Drivers Town (No not THAT AA, the Automobile Association). Its sad to see them removing the Cinema 180 as I'm pretty sure it was the last one standing in any theme park around the world. It's one of those kiddie rides where they drive themselves around in mini cars, following "all" of the road rules. Still better than most Auckland drivers. Unfortunately strictly 12 and under so I couldn't drive I could drive the go karts though! They have two tracks with the other one double seaters. Wish they would get rid of one of the tracks as they are prime real estate for something massive. Like another coaster Next up: Their newest Thrill ride, StratosFear. It opened in 2014 and is a Zamperla Discovery 30 seater Just your standard Frisbee ride right? Nope this one goes upside down! They have two rides, a less extreme standard swing ride and a more extreme 360 degree ride. They even hold you upside down a few times. Definitely not for those with a full stomach Speaking of rides not to do on a full stomach, here's their Power Surge. Here's a tip don't ride alone. You'll get stuck tilted sideways due the locking mechanism at the end of the ride if you do Next up, the Motion Master. They're showing a pretty lame Pirates Rapids film at the moment. Hopefully they'll go back to a licensed film next time like they have done the last few swap outs (Journey to the Centre of the Earth and Happy Feet) Its a classic Omni Films International Motion Master ride with 24 seats I stopped in to the Kiddie Castle area for a couple of snaps. They completely renovated the area in 2012, removing the old dragons flight coaster, remodelling the castle and adding three new rides: Choco Express, and two Zamperlas, a Happy Swing and a Magic Bikes. Unfortunately adults couldn't ride these either without a child. Which is stupid considering they pay a lot more for less rides than kids The Bumper Boats are a classic favourite. Yes you do get wet Next up: the Gold Rush, another Rainbow's End classic This ride was completely built from scratch by Rainbow's End engineers in 1995. You wont find anything like it anywhere else in the world Duly noted The Invader, a Zamperla Disko Coaster is always fun The Bumper Cars were also renovated recently with new cars and a new drive in movie theme which looks awesome And finally, Exit Through the Gift Shop: The Ride.
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