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Posts posted by TeamAscendio

  1. Hi! I'm Heidi from South Florida - I've been driving the turnpike to Orlando since I was about 20 months old, and have visited DisneyLand and EuroDisney as well - but these days, I spend most of my amusement park time at Universal Orlando's Wizarding World of Harry Potter; I'm on the organizational team for Ascendio - it's HPEF's follow up to Infinitus - our 2010 event in Orlando. Four days of Harry Potter discussions, wrock, fan creativity, costumes and more at the Portofino Bay Resort (and we're having a private event at the WWoHP on July 12, too!).

    Separate from that, we have at least three park-focused trips planned this year - California SeaWorld and Legoland in April, Disney and WWoHP in March and DisneyLand in October or November....

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