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Posts posted by Kurtbri87

  1. Because of my father collecting Coney Island, he also got me into collecing also.


    I did the Disney College Program, where I operated the Great Movie Ride (Hollywood Studios) so I got into Disney.

    This is my small early EPCOT Center collection.

    The patches are a D23 exclusive from Epcots 30th.

    There is an opening commemorative coin.

    And ny favorite is the Journey Ino Imaginarion cast member book. Its a 28 page book given to the opening day crew of the Imagination Pavilion explaing the ride and story of the entire pavilion so they know how to explain to guests.


    The second picture is my lanyards and Pin collecions


    The last picture is off topic but im sure someone will enjoy, it is my collection of Nintendo from when I was growing Up.




  2. ^^^ WOW! Fantastic looking collection your father has/had kept building and adding to.


    Thanks for sharing some (?) of it with us. It really looks amazing, especially all the

    glass cabinets with 'stuff' in them.


    By the way, did you ever, or have you ever, considered making a book about this collection?




    My father has been trying to write a book for years but there is so much stuff that he would never feel it is finished lol. Coney Island knows this exsits, my first job was running the Cyclone when I was 15 so I am very much a part of it as well. Disney tried to buy the collection as the centerpiece for the Boardwalk expansion back in 1991 but my family has been trying to build an attraction around the collection for years including a full remake of the horses.

  3. I have been on this site a decent amount of time and can't believe I have never noticed this sub.


    My family on my fathers side lived in Brooklyn back when Coney Island was a great place. When he was young they had a season locker rental at the pool at Steeplechase Park. He would go six days a week and the place became a second home to him, so when the park closed in 1964, he was 9 at the time and he felt he lost something, so he started to collect memrobilia. This collection is the result of 52 years of serious collecting of anything related to Coney Island in its heyday. At one time there were three major parks and a huge assortment of independents that ran for many years, as you can imagine there is alot of Coney Island memrobilia and the pictures do not do justice. The only constraints is space as it is in our home, so the majority of the photos are in binders on a bookshelf and there are thousands of pictures that span 150 years.








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