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Everything posted by Fenderbabi14

  1. ^ hey do you have a link for that? It may sound silly, but I can't find it =]
  2. btw last night I went on the website and the intro has been changed on I think the movie theater link. ITS NOW A VIDEO!!! yey =]
  3. ^^ ok my bad, i just remember it happening just before school started or the first weekend of school
  4. i remember by this time last year, we had the whole mirror reflection vortex thingie that explained everything was up. hopefully some big update will bring the excitement level up a little =[
  5. seriously, the pacing on this is so slow but just watched the first two saws not that bad =] actually a pretty good thriller movie(s)
  6. ^ most likely it's censored, some parents would have a fit if their kids were listening to the uncensored one.
  7. thanks everybody for your advice on the line length... it was unfortunately 120 minutes so I didn't have enough time to ride it =[ but it looks amazing and everybody was acting like it was a blast =]
  8. does anybody have some sort of idea how long the line should be around 6 pm today? going to citywalk & wanted to try it out while I was there.
  9. hey just wondering, I was gonna try and watch all the saw movies before HHN, but I don't really like seeing people getting ripped apart, do they actually show the stuff happening or no?
  10. XL 106.7 is gonna be there tommorrow for a media spot, they said that hopefully it would be open
  11. I'm soo excited!!! Hopefully it won't be as crowded as when mummy opened i have a very good feeling it will though
  12. just saw another advertisement in the movie theater last night...hate those ads, makes it sound like its already open
  13. was eating lunch at a restaurant and saw a glimpse of a news topic that was about rollercoasters, HRRR was its feature, showing the test runs of the coaster, but I couldn't hear what it was about unfortunately =[
  14. If there's anything that could match the energy and excitement of a weekend of Christian rock, it's Universal StudiosĀ®! Your favorite rides and attractions-including the brand new Hollywood Rip Ride RockitSM roller coaster-are all included in your Rock the Universe ticket, with most attractions open until 1am! just found this on the Rock the Universe website, so hopefully it should be open in September at the latest. Dont know if anybody spotted this or not but oh well.
  15. yea we just caught a glimpse of two as we were leaving and from across the park, so we just assumed especially since it was raining the whole time =[
  16. yesterday, they had two trains running at once, lift hill at full speed. Not all the lights were working on the trains though =[
  17. ^ yea or doing something like that when people are riding it..thats what im scared of
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