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Posts posted by Mataceman

  1. great schedule for labor day weekend. there are only 2 problems with it. 1.) I can't make it to see you as i will be on a plane to vegas sat. morning and 2.) you won't need 3 hours for palace playland even with travel. FT/ST is only like 10 mins down the street and you really will only need an hour and a half at the park. unless you are going to only do the 2 coasters then it will be under an hour.

  2. Ride Bizarro first thing and do a re-ride right away, as long as it opens on time you shouldn't wait more than 5 mins.

    From there go to ME as it can get an hour+ wait later in the day.

    BTDK is right there so ride that next it should be a walk on to a 10min wait at the point.

    Then as you make your way back to the north end ride Thunderbold. Like stated it can get a long line due to 1 train ops so it will prob be the longest wait at 20-30mins.

    Use the single rider line on pandemonium for your first ride. If you like it the wait for a second ride. If you want it spin more sit on the left side at the loading station.

    Cyclone is right there after Pan. it should have a 20min wait at most.

    Catapult is a must ride flat and is right at the exit of cyclone so I would ride that next.

    on your way back towards SROS you can hit great chase. they have no issues letting adults on.

    Then CWW whip is right next to Bizarro so you can see how the line is and if its short hit that as CWW won't have more than a 1 cycle wait.

    If you have time tomahawk and scream are the other 2 flats i would recommend but are just like every other frisbee and drop tower.


    most of all have fun.

  3. Hello valuable Big Mike readers and Big Mike!


    I just returned from my personal mid-west trip and I have some news about the mystery cards hidden out there. First off are the parks we know about.


    Coney Island (Ohio)


    Found the mirror!


    But it was Gone!


    Holiday World


    Gone too!!!


    What about Beech Bend? Nobody had made any comments about even looking for this card in the past so maybe I still have a chance!


    If someone goes over to get it from the next train I will beat them up for it!




    After all that I am glad it was still there. Big Mike you did a good job hiding this one as I was on my hands and knees in the station looking for it.


    And me on Rumbler with the million dollar ticket


    Finally the last park I shared with Big Mike, Kings Island.


    looks like the same picture from Big Mike!




    IT IS!!!!!


    In my own defence having one ticket already I thought about leaving this one for another valuable Big Mike reader.


    The longer I looked at the ticket I could tell the weather was getting to it.


    As you can tell the ticket had started to peal apart from the harsh weather 300ft up on the tower. With the ticket not looking so good I decided it would be better for the ticket to be found than to blow away and never to be seen again.


    So thats 2 Mystery Mike cards found by me. Now If only I knew when Big Mike was coming to the new england area to get his picture I would almost be there. Also if only I could spot those silly ducks! Another last thought too, Am I the only non-local to find a mystery mike card? I don't remeber anyone saying they had found one outside there local park. Just a thought.

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