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2nd coming

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  1. New Update Well I decided to check the park today Gold Miner is still most popular ride in the park Fright Fall just open A new restraunt open called Buger Cafe More updates soon
  2. Update Well I decided to visit to the park and they have built this area fast. I really like the lake area by frieght fall, but I think it could improve. Here is Freight Fall still needs alot of work before it opens More updates soon
  3. Sorry I have been busy but here is another update A train of riders about to go down. Revolution is doing good. Not much has change since last update. Hmmmm what is this?
  4. Crap I just relized that I posted this in the wrong section, can someone move it, sorry.
  5. Well this is my ever RCT 3 park I'm so enjoy. Btw I havnt came up with a name yet. Here is the park's Merry-Go-round Here is the over view for the park, the roller coaster is called Gold Miner. More updates coming.
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