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  1. I know people are pissed about new users popping up, but I was just e-mailed this from donan wasn't sure if anyone else has seen it. And was told to pass it on, also its screen01, maybe more will make a landscape picture?
  2. I know this doesn't really have any effect on figuring anything out or anything, but I have two comments on this whole thing. 1 - Even though we still don't know much about the ride, I personally enjoyed this whole detective process and hope more coming rides do a teaser thing kinda like this, it shows some appreciation to the enthusiasts (even though its not their primary goal.) 2 - I love the way that Intamin (I know its not confirmed but it looks like it) has backed off the keeping going higher thing (Kingda Ka f.e.) and now is taking a step back and just implementing really cool elements that make rides with normal footprints and normal heights feel so much more exciting then simple/short tall rides. All I can say is that I went on Maverik over the summer, and it beat the crap out of Kingda Ka and TTD. At least to me, I love the look of a complex twisting layout, it doesn't have to be the tallest ride ever.
  3. I know I'm not an active member on these boards really but I also just got the Natalie e-mail, and I think there might be something to "GottenBaklavaCompulsion..". I have no idea what but it just seems like its gotta be something. I also am pretty sure this isn't a flying coaster, but the reference to "fly" is interesting.
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