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Posts posted by Synkope

  1. I have always found myself defending Intamin when it comes to the grief they get about reliability/safety etc but I find it very, very hard to do that now.

    How can you even for a moment put the blame on Intamin when there are so few details released??? This is a ride that has run for over 7 years without incident in a part of the world that has had some issues with ride maintenance before. (Hi, remember the flat ride that just collapsed at Tibidabo?)


    I'd personally put a bit more speculation into it being a maintenance issue than a problem with Intamin.



    Well, Tibidabo is actually located in Spain, as well as Terra Mítica. But they are two completely different parks, have nothing to do with. Tibidabo is in Barcelona, Terra Mítica is in Benidorm. Separated by 500 km ( 313 miles). But even more, the accident at Tibidabo wasn't caused by ride maintenance. It was proved that the ride was structurally wrong, a factory defect.


    I've been working at Terra Mítica for 8 seasons, from 2004 until 2011. Last seasons I used to work at Inferno. It has to be completely shocking for the family and friends, as well as the workers. Between 2010 and 2011 there were several internal changes at the park, since a new company started to manage it. I guess there has been more changes since then, because that company wanted to make Terra Mítica profitable. But it's hard to think they could have cut back in maintenance service. I believe they're still rigorous with that.


    I loved working at Inferno, such a dynamic ride job! I can't believe the restraint failed... After 7 years? It is supposed the train cannot be dispatched if the 8 restraints are closed. Inferno has a main operator panel, 2 more co-dispatch panels, as well as 2 more unloading panels. These four station panels are operated with a key every assistant have. Moreover, there are different buttons for dispatching the trains. Just a single restraint is not closed, and the train cannot leave the station.


    I'm touched for this. My thoughts are with the family and friends. But also with the workers who had to go through this.

  2. Why would anybody be responsible to keep people informed about a coaster construction? Are they charging for it? I'd like to believe everybody has better things to do. It is truly amazing to see how a coaster grows up, but let's be serious, we're watching how they're placing piece by piece and it's so weird.


    I don't think American people don't care about what happens in Spain or Europe. In fact, they've visited a lot of times European parks... The question is: are you interested in what happens in America? Let's be fair.

  3. Pics of my last visit on 17th April:



















    Terra Mítica has proposed a challenge: if they achieve 5,000 fans on their official profile in Facebook until the 31st May, they'll offer 10 € on-line tickets on 26th June.


  4. New shows:

    • The Mummy's Curse (inside the pyramid)
      Dreams (at Circus Maximus, it has been created by Cirque du Soleil's ex-workers)
      Pandora's Dream (at Pandora Theatre, it's a show with black light)
      Barbarroja's Return (might be Barbarroja's second part)


    Sustainability commitment:

    • Purification of rides' water every 10 hours
      Purification of lagoon's water every 48 hours
      48,000 m3 of saltwater into the lake
      New process of chlorine's evaporation in the water for later use in irrigation
      Elimination of leaks in the water rides
      Low-power equipment throughout the park
      Reducing light pollution by LED equipment
      Optimizing recycling


    More green zones:

    • 2,500m2 of lawns
      More than 800 new palm trees
      500 m of gardens reconstructed
      15,000 varied shrubs
      20,000 seasonal plants
      More colorful floral


    More water

    • 8 brand new waterfalls
      2 new fountains
      Sophisticated water spray system that achieves a reduction of 7º C


    New shops and restaurants

    • Oriental cuisine: Pharaohs' Buffet, at Egypt zone
      Urban food: Rhodes, ar The Islands zone
      Nefer: theme store in Egypt
      Photo-ride at Minotaur's Labyrinth
      Photo shop in the Agora's Gate, at Greece zone



    • Increased number of seats per ride
      Queuing time: 10 minutes maximum
      Accredited security: total revision and updating of all rides
      3 new kiddies at Egypt zone

  5. Terra Mítica started last week to show once a week an artwork of park's transformation. Changes are going to be radical, they want to create a big oasis theme park. Terra Mítica's main problem was the lack of green, so they want to re-start again with a new park concept.


    This year won't open new rides, but they've been checking all of them to keep them in working order. I hope Synkope (giant frisbee) reaches at 120º. Supposedly, all shows will be new or redesigned.


    Here you are two artworks they have uploaded to their Facebook profile, only about Egypt:



    In this pic they compare Egypt before and after. It says the park's aim will be to become a heavenly place with big waterfalls and green. They'll reconsider more places where kids can play. Big hot Summer will be transformed in a refreshing sensation. At the main entrance green will be reinforced. Morevoer, there will be a big integrated fountain.




    There will be a big change in different views. Alexandria's lighthouse will change its historical position to surround it by green. By this way, they'll try to create more places between eyes' guests and the horizon.



    This is the quarry's final appearance. They have done a great work, but it hasn't finished, because it's going to be green too, as you can see in artworks.


    Terra Mítica will open its doors again on 16th April, not on 14th. Next week they'll show us other artwork, hope to be about Greece.

  6. Well, it's not exactly like this. They moved Tizona because last director wanted to reduce Terra Mítica. If you've ever ridden an SLC, you'll know that they are pretty quiet. It was just an excuse to do that, but the hotel wasn't to be near this place (Iberia), but near Egypt area. Terra Mítica's west part was to be built with 2,000 small apartments.


    Now there's a new managing. They want to reopen Iberia area in 2012 with a new first class ride, so they might fill Tizona's space. They're going to build a new entrance from carpark access road, because they want to remain opened Iberia all year. They'll invest 5 million € next year to do this. Anyway, new managing wants to buy Terra Mítica next year and there are some rumours about buying again land they sold to free cessation of payments in 2006. New managing, which its called "Ocio y Parques Temáticos" ("Leisure and Theme Parks"), has other two parks in Benidorm, Aqualandia and Mundomar (WaterLand and SeaWorld), which they want to move to Terra Mítica's area and create a resort. Some weeks ago in Spanish news it was said they're planning hotel and sports zone projects.

  7. Terra Mítica has started its new master plan's works. First works consist of improving Egypt, Greece, Rome and The Islands zones with a total amount of 5 million €.


    Here's a pic:



    Next year will be Iberia's improvement. They'll invest 5 more millon € to reopen this zone in 2012 (probably with some new rides) and finally, in 2012, they'll invest last 5 million € in Iberia too. Anyway, Aqualandia-Mundomar wants to buy Terra Mítica, this fact could be next year.


    Terra Mítica will open again its doors in April 14th with more green, more water and more fun, because they're going to check all the rides to keep them in working order.

  8. There were some rumours 6 months ago about a new theme park in Spain based in Paramount Pictures and placed in Murcia. This region is in the Mediterranean coast, about 100 km from Terra Mítica Benidorm. The project responsibles say this park will compete directly with Disneyland Paris, not against Terra Mítica, either against Port Aventura, which actually is the best theme park in Spain and the only one that has obtained benefits and a huge attendance.




    Paramount Pictures have chosen the region of Murcia for the construction of the biggest theme park in Spain, which aims to compete directly with Disneyland in Paris.


    The project will have the added value of some cinematographic studios which will be the centre of all Paramount’s productions in Europe, according to the Murcian Councillor for Culture, Pedro Alberto Cruz.


    Cruz has just got back from a trip to Dubai with a letter from the executive president of Paramount, Michael Bartok, who wants to start the ball rolling just as soon as it has been proven to be economically viable.


    Cruz has said that the region of Murcia will become the “Leisure Centre of Spain, with a 2.5km² complex with 15,000 beds in hotels, creating 20,000 jobs, and attracting 3 million tourists to Spain. The amount of money to be invested will be decided next month, and private investors will be offered the possibility of putting their capital into the project.


    The project is estimated to be completed within 2 years. It comes like a breath of fresh air for Spanish property agents, Spanish real estate companies, and other local businesses in the present financial climate.

    Source: http://www.theleader.info/article/22202/paramount-pictures-to-build-biggest-theme-park-in-spain-in-murcia/


    I'm wondering, how do they want to compete with Disney being placed in this region that have any remarkable percentage of foreign tourist arrivals? How do they want to compete with Disney if they only hope to reach 3 million visits per year while Disneyland receives four times more? How do they dare to compare Paramount with Disney?


    I think they are a little arrogant and seems they're going to make the same mistake when Terra Mítica accepted to be part of Paramount Parks in 2001. Paramount only puts its name, but not its money. This was the biggest curse of Terra Mítica, even before politic stories. At this time, I think politics of Murcia are trying to win votes for next year regional elections and they're playing with citizens hope because they promise 20,000 job creation, while Port Aventura, which isn't only a theme park but a big resort, works about 3,000 people.

  9. Terra Mítica has had a problem of management. If they had let real professional work, Terra Mítica hadn't been so bad. But now everything is going to change, because the park is rented by other Benidorm park group: Aqualandia-Mundomar. They're going to invest 15 million euros to solve rides' problems, lack of green where public walks, areas where refresh, restore buildings, etc. That's why they're going to close Terra Mítica 6 months to make all these improvements. They want to reopen Iberia zone and put in there a ride of quality, probably where Tizona was.


    As far as attendance, it's true not always the park is busy, but I've been a lot of times when there were almost 15.000 people. Certainly, attendance has been limited by economic crisis...


    According to Aqualandia director comments, the group wants to make Terra Mítica an European theme park reference.

  10. Koolkid, if you went to Terra Mítica on weekend it's totally normal to find no crowds in the park. Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thrusdays are normally the crowdy days.


    The closed water ride was El Rescate de Ulises (Ulysses's Rescue), but it was opened on August 1st. Titánide is opened too, on August 8th was its first trip. I filmed a video from crew's paths:



    Terra Mítica has a new director. Thanks to him these two rides are opened now. He wants to re-open the Iberia (Spanish) zone. He doesn't understand why the last director (John Fitzgerald) wanted to close this well-themed area. So Juan José de Torres wants to colocate again in the zone the family coaster Tren Bravo (Brave Train). He also doesn't understand why that coaster is in crew's car-park. He's completely decided to make about Terra Mítica a great theme park.


    Next year Terra Mítica will be 10 years old. New director thinks there're a lot of space between the big rides, so he wants to fill it with new attractions. But if he wants to re-open Iberia zone, were Titánide (Tizona) was there is a huge space to be filled with something giant. So I suppose Terra Mítica's next big ride will be there.


    Sorry about my English.

  11. Tizona is already gone:











    They have only spent 15 days to dismount it and now they're working on its new place at Greece area.




    But there's a doubt, when Tizona will be relocated there will be a lot free space:




    Maybe they'll removed the major and kiddy bumping cars there or maybe they're going to put a new ride. Next season should be a new attraction, because there's in Terra Mítica's plan.


    There's also a rumour. El Rescate de Ulises (Ulises's Rescue) could be modified to reconvert in a Splash Battle. Ulises's Rescue is located at Las Islas (The Islands) zone of the park. It was closed on 14th october to fix it (it gives 'em a lot of problems). But this ride is a few bored, so maybe they're going to change it to make it more funny. Track is 500 metres lenght, so it'd be very long.


    By this reason, next year could be two new rides...


    Iberia zone is going to be closed by now, altough some businessman propose to reconvert it on an outlet centre.

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